Helter Skelter
I can't think of too much else to say really. I would like to alert everyone that now I have a bed, a washing machine, fridge/freezer AND a stove. I'm moving up in the world, people! I think I might buy myself a plant so I can water it, take care of it and talk to it. One time I dressed a guitar up so it was like a person. That happened to coincide with the time that I was alone for two days. Apparently I need constant attention.
Right, I should go for a wander now. I do enjoy this place more than Marple Bridge. There's a Sainsbury's nearby! AND MORE STUFF! Also a Lloyds bank and many other useful establishments that don't require me to mountain climb up just to be disappointed when I get there (I hate Co-Ops...)
Tallyho, everyone. Be good, eat your vega-tables and don't slide everywhere. Use it for special occasions.
Something About England
I am alive and well. I recently went to Montreal in a flash of what seemed to be French lightning. It was good. It was amazing. It made me feel very needed and wanted by the folks at Reservoir when I turned up and had a beer in my hand within 10 seconds. That or they're supporting my alcoholism. Either way it was lovely.
Then I ended up in London, Ontario to see my old friend Kyle Reckman! That man made my last summer very bearable and introduced me to Christ so it was definitely win/win. He dived about 10 feet to come and hug me hello. It was very lovely. It is nice to feel loved by MEN. I'm not even making a euphemism. It's becoming quite apparent that people LIKE me? PEOPLE.
Well crazy as it seems I imagine the next blog entry will be from ENGLAND. Or just prior to going there. I've no idea what I'm going to say or do. It will be good.
Love to everyone.
5ive Gears In Reverse
Seems whenever I get up to Canada the posts dry up? Is it because I'm leading a dull lifestyle, one prone to being repetitive? Well, yes. I consider it a perk of the job. I mean to do the same thing every 3 days it has to be a perk, right? Or a curse? I do not profess to knowing!
Currently I'm injured and meant to be typing this with one hand but in secret I am typing with two. It's not so much the hand actually that hurts but the wrist. To give this story some context:
So it will come about in an ugly way that I am returning to England. I'm returning to the place I so happily fled more than 18 months ago. I will go back with my tail slightly between my legs but I'm also quite open to the challenges this new venture will take. I am curious to whether or not I should continue OCamnada seeing as it was a blog set up to recount my adventures in Canada. Should I continue it as a personal blog or WHAT?! I am curious to what people think.
It has been a good adventure.
I Still Miss Someone
However, my intrepid and valued reader, the title of this post is I Still Miss Someone, not Some Place or Somewhere. Yes, that tyrannical feeling of loneliness has set in again. I could use all the appropriate words in all the languages in the World but it still wouldn't cover 1% of how I feel about her. I realise it seems completely selfish that I'm whining about how I miss my girlfriend when there's so much trouble in the world but I'd by lying if I said I could keep my feelings contained. This truly feels like the lowest I can go. Real low, man.
That being said I am back up in the Muskoka region working for my ticket out of Canada. It's all part of the master plan, you see. If I play my cards right I should be back in the UK for some part of December or early January. Then I'll be straight back in to working so I can travel Europe. I'm not sure if all or any of my friends are aware of this but I never actually set foot on the continent of Europe. The closest I managed was Brighton which is about 118km (73 miles). Couldn't even wave hello to France. So that will be a secondary little mission to achieve when I go 'home'. Strange as I never thought I'd call England home. It's a home as much as a place to keep my things. So I guess it's a house. Peter Allen was mostly correct. No matter how far or how wide I roam... I really still do call Australia home.
Oh, Johnny. |
Now that syrupy portion of patriotism is out of the way, I feel I should give you all a reward for sticking through this long. According to blog stats there’s a couple of hits from Russia and Latvia. That amuses me greatly as I was trying to think why they might view my blog at all? Then it struck that I didn’t really care. A hit, for me, is a hit. I didn’t really think I’d become obsessed with people visit but I guess I am. Tell your friends, tell your family! Tell your deaf pets! So to this reward… you can figure to be a reward or punishment; whatever your fancy in music is! Just click on the picture to the left! You have only three guesses as to what this present might be! I'm quivering in anticipation!
But once again, brave readers, I must depart for greener grasses! It is raining and I fancy taking some pictures. I would have taken some earlier where it for lack of nice light. Oooh, look at me. Talking like a photographer. Very close by I can smell freshly cut wood and it's making me want to eat raisin bran. Off I go to take pictures and eat raisin bran! Until next time!
Slide Away
So it has been quite a number of days since the last time I updated! Time does indeed fly when you're having fun! FUN! I know the subject quite well! But the fun is soon to be ending as my time in the United States is once again coming to an end. Yes, three months has simply slid away like a rat up a drainpipe - that's quite quick for those of you who've never seen that happen. So I guess a SUMMERY is called for. I'm quite aware it's summary but I thought, seeing as I was here in summer, that it would be quite a clever little play on words there. If you don't appreciate it I will send you candy*.
Not too long after I arrived in the US the environment at the house I was staying at became a little unstable and, as such, I thought it better for me to not stay there anymore. I bounced around houses until Chelsea was able to find a lovely little apartment just near Music Row. That's the area famous for housing a load of music related businesses. It's quite fascinating really. So Chelsea and I chilled out there most of the summer. This summer was really quite hot and humid so we didn't really venture out that much. Heat, I can handle but when you factor in 90 degree heat with 90% humidity things become quite uncomfortable.
I spent a lot of this summer consuming alcohol. The beer down here really is delicious. Toward the end though I had to consciously put a hold on the thirst quencher. It seemed every time I went out I would come home less than sober. Not drunk, but not sober. I know that's one thing that I would have to deal with if I were to head back to England. However in a positive light I always thank my lucky stars that I'm not drinking whiskey or a spirit of any sort... though I could drink gin like it was water and I would drink water like it was chocolate milk.
During the later portion of the summer I had the grace to attend a Christian men's retreat aptly named, unfortunately acronymised Institute for Biblical Manliness. A group of 30 young men were split in to five units of 6 each with two older men acting as mentors. We were audience to a variety of speakers over the 4 day retreat. Each of the speakers addressed something pertaining to being a Godly man - integrity, courage, sexual strife, finances and a plethora of others I can't remember. It was amazing! I met a lot of good young men that weekend. Come to think of it I was one of the older 'young men' there. In fact I'm only a year younger than the the 'youngest' older man. But still it was fantastic to see what is achievable when you have God in your life.
Now I'm in Pennsylvania visiting my lovely, lovely friend Georg who is hard at work! Ladies, he's single too! I was meant to be here a couple of days earlier but as things panned out I was able to say goodbye to a group of friends back in Nashville. Amazing stuff.
However on the Canadian front I am not so sure what I will be doing. I don't intend to stay there long. As per my previous blog post I will very likely return to the UK. This may be hurried a long due to the money spending nature of Christmas. Bartending happens to be quite profitable during December. I do, however, want to make the most of my Canadian visa so I am not entirely sure where I'll be heading. Maybe New Brunswick? I can't tell anyone yet but when I do know I'll blog the heck out of it!
I'm wondering if I should do a deal of sorts that if people subscribe to my blog I will draw a picture for them! I would sign it and send it to them. That's a collectors piece right there! I'm just HUNGRY for people to delve in to my private life!
For now, young readers, I shall bid you farewell. I know it's been a rough journey and there were many emotions explored but I must travel now to a distant country where naked women are rife, the alcohol flows freely, insulin is legal and snow on the ground is looked at with a smug smile. Until next time!
*My imaginary lawyers have advised me to inform everyone that they will NOT receive any candy and will in fact be liable for any postage and handling involved in any processes ever. If legal proceedings are lodged against me then you will summarily be eaten by an entity of my choosing. Probably a Barghest
Heat Wave
Temperatures aside my plans have now changed and I'm making plans to head back to the United Kingdom. After speaking with my close friends, family members and consulting my own musings I've decided that this leg of my tour has unfortunately cost me more money that I would have liked. I would rather return to Canada and enjoy my time there with money earned than to struggle around on credit and Canadian dollars. I'm not mocking nor devaluing the Canadian dollar. I'm simply stating that the amount of travel I'd like to do simply isn't able to be done. I've enjoyed my time travelling around Canada and the friends I've made have been superb. However I need to start thinking about my future (something I should have done maybe 10 years ago) and I feel that England is definitely the place. Cheers.
That being said I will be returning to Canada on the 15th of September. I'll be coming back in Montreal and I will then be heading to Toronto. At the moment I'm still needing a place to stay for a couple of days until I can sort my brain out. Any helpers?
Thanks once again.
Goodnight Tonight

The McCartney concert was my first huge name concert and, thinking about it, you can't get much bigger than Sir Paul McCartney. Seeing him was something that I'd always dreamt of and to finally see him was amazing. In the space of two years I've managed to see the two musicians that I desperately wanted to. I was able to see Elvis Costello last year at Massey Hall in Toronto and that was also mind blowing. In the back of my head I was hoping he might make a surprise appearance with Sir Paul but unfortunately that didn't eventuate.
Regardless of my indifferent attitude throughout the day I teeming with butterflies in my stomach. I just didn't know how else to react until we were outside the Sommet Centre on Broadway in Nashville. Up until that night I had no idea what 20,000 people in one spot looked like but I'm sure it was a sold out show. The only criticism I have of the show was the fact that the souvenirs/t-shirt stand and the beer kiosks upstairs were in bothersome spots. However I doubt that Paul had anything to do with that.
As my blog doesn't even remotely resemble a music review (he is though - check it out) I won't bore you with most of details of the set list or which instruments he played. Had I known that those sort of details were available on Wikipedia I probably would have been less enthusiastic about going or, at least, I would have kept turning to Chelsea and saying 'This is going to be [song x]. Pretty annoying. Instead Paul and his band really, genuinely surprised me. They opened with Venus and Mars/Rock Show which was awesome because I don't think too many people expected that. I've just had a gander at the set list again and he ended up playing 20 Beatles songs which which is odd because it didn't seem like that many. Two other unusual songs he played were 'Letting Go' and 'Ram On'. Apparently there were some people down the front with requests for it. If I knew that worked I would have asked for 'In Spite of All the Danger' or, as Chelsea reminded me seconds ago, 'Calico Skies'. There were a couple of acoustic breaks where I thought he'd give it a bash. What he played was fantastic though.
The crowd was certainly enthusiastic and I couldn't smell any pot. Surprisingly. I think it was pretty equal parts older folks to younger kids. In fact I was sat behind a teenage wunderkind who hooted and hollered at every single song. At first it mostly annoyed me but then I realised I was doing the same thing after the song so we ended up meeting eye to eye on the noise level. The dance fuel alcohol made a less than suprising appearance in the crowd but no one embarrassed themselves. I hate to say it but Monday night was indeed just one of those feel good times.
To complete the surprising night Paul noticed a sign down the front that said "I want to play a song with you". It belonged to a young Mexican kid. Paul, in his playful mood, said "Do you really want to play a song with us? Pressure's on man!". After a couple of seconds Paul invited him up on stage and then said to the band "I wonder what he's going to play?". He asked the dad "Hey Dad, what does he play? Guitar?

Paul also signed the back of a young lady in the audience who had a Hofner bass tattoo. It was becoming the Paul McCartney Show and it was certainly entertaining. He thought it was a pretty decent tattoo and, when she turned around for him to sign, said he could get in to a lot of trouble for this. As he went in to sign he leant towards the microphone and said "Jimmy... Buffett". Tricky, Paul. Tricky and mean. They finished off with 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club' and 'The End'. What impressed me about 'The End' is they didn't play note for note off of the album. Instead all three guitarists got to show off their chops off and it was awesome. Amazingly, fantastically, wonderfully, awesome. Everything was as it was meant to be.
I will admit I cried a couple of times during the show. It was good though. Definitely not a saddened cry but one like so many people before me have shed. While I was crying I kept thinking of all the teenage girls in the 60s (many of were probably watching Paul now) screaming, shouting, crying and baying for more Beatles. I used to think how stupid it was that they were crying over something so joyous. Now I'm aware of why they did.
If I get another chance to see Sir Paul McCartney then that would be all shades of brilliant. If I don't then I'm more than happy I got once chance to do so.
I'll Sail My Ship Alone
My being here in Tennessee has ruffled some feathers and, as of July 19, has caused Chelsea and I to move out of the Bennett household. As it so happens I have been accused of fondling Chelsea, snooping in the belongings of those I love and being disrespectful to those in the Bennett house. As it happens I don't believe that I'm guilty of any of the accusations and that Chelsea is being unfairly treated. As it happens she's finally moved out to an apartment in the Nashville area. It's beautifully located in Hillsboro Village and just near everything I love about Nashville. Finally there's public transport in to Nashville and I really like that. There's also Taco Mamacita literally down the road and they are the only people I know who serve Sue. It's like eating a fireplace but in a very yummy, delicious way. I'm wondering how much of my arm I would get cut off in order to get a pint. Probably up to the elbow.
Surprise wise I managed to spook Chelsea with a surprise party on Saturday! I cooked up some delicious guacamole, an Irish bruschetta (feta, orange pepper and green tomato), baked mushrooms with sweet potato, oregano and goat's cheese and a Guinness cake with a Baileys frosting. Everything went well and I was really happy that Chelsea was surprised because with out 'surprise' it's not even close to being a surprise party. I still need to get her present but I'm sure she'll like it. She's my darling girl.
Existentially I am having some trouble coping with my eventual death but I'm hoping that's some time in the future. Like at least 3 years. Five at the real outside. I'm not sure if I should stay in Canada, go back to England or return home to Australia. It truly is frustrating when you realise that you're 24, you've 'travelled' the world (i.e. gone to England, drunk yourself silly, realised Canada's a viable option, flown over there, drunk yourself silly and then wondered why you're still a virgin) and then you decide to scratch your backside and figure out which way your life is going? To be honest I have no idea and I'm certainly not going to offer any clues here. I imagine that I'll probably figure out a temporary solution and I'll be happy until the next time I take my clothes off for a shower. I'm getting to an age where I can't afford to fart about and hope to get away with it. Currently I'm being shown far more reasons to go home than to stay. I don't know, intrepid readers. I really just do not know.
On a positive note I am getting a haircut. Everyone is in love with haircuts! I really don't think you appreciate a haircut until you leave. They should make you pay, let you leave and then ask how it is. At least that's how I go. I'm one for complimenting the hairdresser no matter how the cut is. I truly believe in self preservation and if I were to air my true feelings about how a haircut has gone I think I'd probably been more bloodied. I have issues with them apparently. Who ever writes a blog paragraph about hairdressers. Me?
So I'm still alive although it may not seem like it. I'm struggling, at times, to deal with reactions and emotions from people who I am supposed to know quite well. I've never really had to deal with much drama and, to be honest, I don't like it. I feel that if I were to return to Australia I would be much calmer. There's something about America where everyone feels like there emotions are substantially more valid than someone else walking down the street. I think there's just a calmer demeanour in Australia. There's certainly drama but not to this extent.
I don't feel like I should be this evil, moustache twirling, madam-strapped-to-the-tracks effigy that I'm currently being portrayed as. I really would like to live my life as drama free as possible but, as I'm soon discovering, it may seem to be difficult when you're dealing with other humans. I honestly can't let this continue. I can't let my reputation and, as an extension of my own being, my girlfriend's reputation be muddied by people who are too indolent to figure out a way of contact. If I were to be brutally honest I would wish for a line-up of people who have besmirched my character while I've been down in the United States and just have a brief moment of their time to either slap them or to talk them out of their ludicrous, fictitious world they've created. Either way I'd be sufficiently happy to leave this country.
Don't think of me as angry, regretful or just plain rude. I'm not and if I were then I'm sure that I would have more enemies. It's saddening for me that I've tried to be nice and it seems like there's somewhat of a neutron star effect going on where all that I've 'created' with this nice façade has suddenly come back to bite me square on the arse cheeks. I'm wondering what would have happened if I had tried to be cruel to people. If I had not considered their feelings whatsoever or, at least, tried to manipulate them to act like my little puppets. I'm sure I'm capable of that but I'll be damned if I'll be drawn in to acting like that toward people. No thanks.

The Longest Time
Instead of heading the Boston route that I had mentioned my plans changed somewhat. The brewer I work with invited me to help out at his wedding and, for one of the few times ever, I had no words to express my delight. This is a man I genuinely respect and he has mentored me in the ways of brewing beer. He's a veritable fountain of brewing knowledge and it's quite humbling to listen to him fire off about phenylethanols, mash tuns and about every hop species ever used. So I'm off to his wedding to serve plates to his guests, cut bread and wash dishes. I think so at least. I'm not too sure on what I'm doing exactly. Whatever it is I'm sure it will be fantastic.
Going to the wedding cut my original plan to go to Boston/New York/Philadelphia but, in the end, I'd much rather go see this man get married. I can always head out that way later on. Which brings me to the point of where I'll be heading next? Well I'll still be heading the United States in less than a week's time to see Chelsea's brother get married. Two weddings in less than a week? Ha. Before leaving Australia I'd only seen one person get married. Since I've left Australia I've been to 5 - three in the US, one in England and one in Canada! After I go to the States I'll becoming back up to Ontario for a base to figure out where I'm going next. All the provinces are on the cards and I really do need to make up my mind where I'll be heading next. Maybe Nova Scotia, maybe New Brunswick, MAYBE even Saskatchewan. No matter how much people hate it, I still want to see it.
It's all come about in a very fast manner and I'm kind of scared about that. Time just walks away however it likes! Dang old thing
I want to get another tattoo. On my right arm. I think I'd like to get the same thing everyone else does and get a label to my heritage. A thistle would look good! Or a lion rampant Gules armed and langued Azure within a double tressure flory counter-flory of the second! Yes, yes! I have no idea what any of those words mean but it would look good. However it remains to be seen how my financial situation will hold up. I'll be a millionaire one day.
Best go out and buy a book and some headphones. It'll be a long couple of hours flying to Tennessee. Anyone bother recommending me books I should peruse? Headphones wise I'm going to pick up something cheap AND ones you insert in your ear....although again if I had the money I'd buy some nice, nice big fluffy ones and pretend to the world I can't hear them!
Until next time! I'll add me up some pictures for the next post, I PROMISE.
Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
I'm going to Boston! The idea is there. I want to either hit it on the way down to Tennessee or, if I have the brains, on the way back up. I'm pretty excited about that. Boston is some place that holds a mystical, enchanting hold on me for a reason I can't figure out. It's like Boston is the guy in the trench coat offering up candy and I'm the 7 year old boy who doesn't know any better! It's going to be great. I just need my passport back! That's a long story and I'm sure I'll expand on it another time.
So in just over a month I'll be attending the wedding of my lovely girlfriend's brother. I'm so happy that I get to be there and I'm even happier about the weather. Even though I've no idea what it's going to be like I'm hoping it will be a lovely, sunny day for both of them to remember it by. I cannae wait but I know I will have to.
I also now have a camera (and have had for several weeks! I need to update more often). So when I figure out the complexities of Flickr I'll post a link on here so you can all gawk at my pictures. That'll bring the crowds in! Yes it will!
Hopefully you all are still alive and can read this. I should sleep now. It's almost 6:00am and I need to sleep at least 10 hours before I can be truly happy. Cheers to you all/whoever reads this. You'll be well rewarded one day.
Welcome to the Working Week
I am a happy, happy person! Go ahead! Ask me why! When else would I have ever used 4 exclamation marks? Never. Absolutely never. Anyhow as I digress heavily from the point I would like to exclaim to Montreal that I have a job. And it's a good job! I'm currently one of 4 dishwashers at a bistro called Reservoir. It is a fantastic place to work for a couple of reasons.
1) Beer is brewed on the premises. Microbrasseries are fairly common around here but I think I am on to a winner. There's 6 currently available and, after a quick session with quality assurance testing, I can vouch that they are the tastiest beers in Montreal. Nothing commercial compares. I have become a heavy admirer of Nathan. He's the brewer. I love him. He is extremely passionate about beer and is knowledgeable to the max. Plus he's got an awesome sleeve of tattoos with hops! It's what he loves!
2) The people are good. There's no obvious animosity between anyone. No one is overly critical and the people who are Quebecois will talk in English to me and occasionally in French so I can learn some appropriate words. Plus from the servers I get tips and tips are good.
3) It's close! Down the road close which is good. I can walk there and back so that's a tiny bit more exercise I get. Yay.
So I think I'll just scrape in rent this time. NEXT month should be better. More tips, more earnings and I should be home free. I would like to go to Ottawa or Quebec City while I'm here so I can say I've seen more than Montreal. Also I'm aware the Ottawa isn't actually in Quebec so don't worry too much about tell me.
I am happy for a change. Please don't worry!
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
I don't know what to do. It is exactly like the Clash pondered - should I stay or should I go? If I go will be trouble in relocation and travel fares AND finding a job but if I stay there will be double the shitstorm there should be. I really don't know what to do with myself. Oh, boo. I am 23 and I'm having this massive existential crisis in the middle of Montreal. How bad is my life? Not that bad but I would like to be speaking English rather than French.
That's enough from me today. Just letting you know I'm around. I need to go to Church on Sunday. I need more God in my life.
Destroy the U.S.A
In other news I am still morbidly out of work. How it stinks! I worked 4 hours dishwashing at an Italian restaurant on Friday for a plate of Penne arrabbiata which, in itself, wasn't too bad. I would have much rathered money though. I have had no reply from them yet so I am a little disenchanted with everything. Still I need to keep my chin up if I want to continue breathing. It would definitely be nice if something just fell in to my lap. Alas I may have to wait a little longer for that to happen.
I hope everyone is well and currently out of prison.
Letter in the Mail
1) The rates in Canada to send mail to England and Australia are absolutely extortionate. Especially in Montreal.
2) As you may have gathered in my previous blogging adventure my pockets do not jingle so heavily when I walk. I can't be affording to send off 10 letters. Sad but oh so true. Were this back in England and the Royal Mail were handling my letters then sure. Mail is cheap there but I'm afraid not for a little bit longer. Please hold up and don't stand outside waiting for your mail!
Love to all. Except that one French girl last night who rudely pushed past me.
20 Years of Snow
There we go. All my anger out in one sentence, two commas and a whole lot of vitriol. I don't know what's up with me. Oh yeah. The job thing. Ha, almost forgot about that! Anyway things in GENERAL are not too bad. I am still alive, I'm still eating (not that I need it) and I still have the use of my arms and legs. So what's the deal? I'll tell you what the deal is...
I have actually had replies from jobs but only one working shift at an Italian restaurant. I shan't tell you the name but I will say that it's the first and only time I've seen people smoking in a kitchen. It's not actually inside the kitchen, it's in a wee corridor to the left but they will come in with cigarettes, leave them laying on the counter while they are smouldering and well that's just not cool. So I guess I am at a crossroads. Do I leave for another area in Canada with a cheaper apartment? Do I find a job that has staff accommodation? Do I stay here and just pray, pray that something comes my way? I don't know. That's a lot of roads to look down?
There's a job that I wouldn't mind having a crack at but I'm absolutely terrified I may get. It's one in Yukon Territory in a little town called Teslin. I think it has about 400 people living there. It's on the Alaska Highway and it's a motel/camper park. So might not be the most glamorous job but it pays well. Sadly that's what I need to start thinking in. Money. And I don't like that I have to. I'm keen on travelling back to the UK perhaps at the end of the year so, in a short mathematical sense, I need money to do so. Then what will I do? Oh, bugger off. I don't know already.
So that's my daily/hourly/minutely whinge for the time being. People who pray, please pray for me. People don't, please hope for me. People who prey, don't eat me. I kind of would like this snow to stop though. It's fun at first but in the movies they never show you the terrible after you must deal with. TWICE I put my foot in to a puddle and TWICE I had my shins a nice little ice bath. Great. I should probably get myself some boots but I can't care too much. Money is something I just don't have an abundance of at the moment.
I guess it is nice that hindsight has this 20/20 vision. At least I can look back on the things I have done since leaving Australia and not the dumb dumb things. I have to admit this wasn't an inspired idea. That's right. You can quote me on that. Or paraphrase. I don't mind whatsoever. Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals. Except the weasel. I need to weasel my way out of this. Sad because I like to stay with things for a little bit even if I hate it! Except for bricklaying. Did not stay with that too long, did I? Never mind.
Currently I would like some olive and/or artichoke bread. Mmm. If you sniff the bread in the bag you can actually eat it without ACTUALLY eating it. I learnt that and I feel pleased with being awarded that knowledge. Stop eating like a fatso, Cameron. Weird how even though I'm devastatingly poor I still eat like... Duke? Maybe. Definitely not a King. Perhaps and Earl or a Baron.
Have fun people with this. I really don't think anyone cares about my babblings. They don't have pictures to look at and make hilarious comments. Oh, you snobs. Soon, soon. I know I keep saying that but I can guarantee it will happen before 2150. Bit of leeway there. Chances of it not happening still pending though.
I'm Waiting For The Day
Well not literally but you can stop them if you want. Just so I can keep everyone up to date:
1) I've not yet got a job but I'm working on it. Winter was not the time to come here unfortunately. So I thought snow would mean jobs in the ski area? It's getting to that time where it's the mid-season turnover and a lot of current employees will be toddling off somewhere. There's also a couple of jobs in quite remote locations that I'm going to apply for. Why not? It's not like I've got a pressing schedule to attend to and it may help me get my brain in order. A pretty big order but stranger things have happened.
2) For the time being I have a big, black dog and we get a long pretty well. He's a little dopey but I like him still. He's a wee pup of only seven months so he's still got some learning to do but he can sit, lay down and give. At least that's all I know of what he can do. I think he constructs model aeroplanes when I'm out then deconstructs when I'm out.
3) Did I mention the job fiasco? Oh...well please see number one on this list.
Other that it's a fairly bleak day in Montreal. Too much snow! It seems to have melted mostly away and now we're back to yesterday afternoon. I'd sorely like to see the Sun but my glowing optimism and my radiant personality must make up for it somewhere!
Goodnight, God bless and kiss goodbye to the Earth.
P.S Anyone got a spare digital camera they don't use? Send it to me.
So It Goes
So I'm going to put my fingers in a couple of other pies and see how that goes. Hopefully very succesfully even if it does mean a relocation of province! You mean I have to leave Quebec? Ohhh, drat! Look out Greyhound! Here's another chance to lose my baggage!
I hope everyone is well. I am struggling a little bit but I am otherwise fine. Anyone know a really good recipe for nachos?
My love to all.
Walking On Thin Ice.
I got an apartment.
Yeah! I will post pictures when I can but get happy!! for me!
Look For Me (I'll Be Around)
I have made inroads with jobs and apartments. I am going to have a look at an apartment tomorrow or Sunday. That is making me feel very much grown up which is becoming somewhat of a rarity. I would really like to find myself a bar tending job. If I could pursue something the beverage industry as a job OR even a career that would be fantastic. Yeah, that's the dream!
It is becoming apparent though that I will need to know at least some French and at least in a functional sense. Knowing little bits and pieces of French will not work in my favour and could indeed hinder me. I imagine that sometime during my stay I will sign up for some French courses so at least I can serve customers. If they see I'm struggling I've been told that most French speakers are able to speak some English. Handy! A good question is why did England not try harder to ditch the French out of Quebec? Please send me your ideas why!
Whilst I'm in this neck of the woods I would love, Love, LOVE, LOVE to head out toward the Maritimes. From what I can gather it is like Ireland in an American setting. Plus they some pretty cool accents and that is the locale for English style bitter. Oh my. Disadvantages include the weather and the Americans but I am sure I can deal with both of these quite well!
Something on my mind (but definitely not a priority!) is a camera. There is certainly two groups of thought on this. One is to remember what I've done and where I've been. The other is to show the parents and friends back home how good the rest of the world is! But like most other things in my life this can wait!
Speaking of waiting I do NOT want to wait for Chelsea (check her blog out!) to get back. I love that girl so very much and I have to admit it has been difficult to separate myself from this love. I know I have done this before and you would think that doing just once more would be easy. It isn't. She's in Poland doing God's work and that's just awesome for me.
Hopefully my next update will be in the 'very positive' category. Job and apartment would be great but either one or the other I am happy with!
Edit: Here is the place that I'm looking at. A nice enough place for a lad like me, I think!
There She Goes
See you soon, Montreal.
Pictures of Me

To make up for all the fun times I had at camp and have no photographic evidence I have now gathered up most of what I can find of me and put them on flickr!
It's mainly to prove that
a) I was in Canada
b) I was at Camp Muskoka in Canada
So I hope you enjoy these. I certainly had a very good time being in them.
Hopefully SOMEONE reads this!
See You Soon

Not sure if everyone's aware but once I've got this up and running properly - you know with actual updates and photos - you can receive e-mail notices if you're a follower. That's a silly word so I think I've renamed it 'You Still Believe In Me'. All of my post titles are song names and even the blog title is from an album by Paul McCartney. I just thought follower sounded too pushy.
Anyway if you've got a twitter account or use Gmail you can follow me by signing in with those accounts. If you don't then it's a fairly easy sign up process!
If you don't know what you're looking for then it this bad boy to the left is what you want!
All Of My Friends Were There
Hello there, young internet viewers!
I can't recall if I have posted these or not! Tragically I am far too busy (gathering dust) to check! I'm sure there's at least one person reading this who will enjoy my pictures.
My first couple of days in Toronto were not without trouble. Apart from the culture shock I was experiencing there was a protest against two former U.S Presidents. Bill Clinton and George Bush were arranged to do some public speaking and this didn't sit too well with the Canadians. Oh no, Hell hath no fury like an angry Canadian, let me tell you. If you live near the U.S/Canada border you can actually hear them sharpening their ice skates.
Enraged at this public speaking engagement this rowdy mob intended to throw their shoes at Bush and/or Clinton in a re-enactment of the shoeing incident that Bush had experienced in Baghdad. I'm not sure whether or not they ended up achieving their goal. I'm guessing they didn't as there was nothing on the news or in any sort of print.
Strictly for your enjoyment only.

Toronto Protest
Home in Heaven
Well chaps it's time to put an end to this American journey. It's been plenty of fun. I've not travelled as much this time but it's of no real consequence. After slogging my guts out over summer it's nice just to laze around. Sure my belts are getting tighter and shirts fit a little snugger than before but that's what exercise is all about. I'm sure there's a definition in the dictionary I can follow.
I'll be heading back to Canada on the 1st of February. I leave Nashville at 6:05PM and I'll get back to Canada on the 2nd. Some time in the morning. It'll be a long trip but I don't think I've got too many long stop overs. That's fortunate! Then when I'm back in Toronto scratching my head I'll find a place to get some nosh and at 11:45AM I'll be on a bus heading to Montreal. Yep, I'm travelling across the country to Quebec.
Tragically I don't know too much about Quebec. French people and that's about it. I'm hoping this bleak Australian view of such a beautiful province can be shattered. Sure they're French and sure my knowledge of French amounts to telling people I am a train station. Not really practical in this situation, I'm afraid.
Learning French will be something I'd like to do while I'm there. I'd also love to get back in to shape. At least a different shape. Round just isn't cutting it for me. I'm probably going to write a list of activities and sights I'd like to see. Be active. Y'know - like normal people are? A laughable concept but just you wait, netpeople!
However I have wasted enough of your time! Precious time from important people! Hopefully I'll be updating this a little more often and considering I'll be back in Canada full time that seems like a very reasonable demand.