Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

I need to leave Quebec! I can't keep going on with this meagre existence. Plus I've got bugger all money left and I don't want to live on credit. No, that's a really bad idea. I have gone through several moods this week. Monday was ecstatically happy, Tuesday was tearful, Wednesday was in the middle (and a little bit suicidal!) and Thursday, so far, is going well. I want to go somewhere and see something. UPS is being an arse so I will have to deal with them further.

I don't know what to do. It is exactly like the Clash pondered - should I stay or should I go? If I go will be trouble in relocation and travel fares AND finding a job but if I stay there will be double the shitstorm there should be. I really don't know what to do with myself. Oh, boo. I am 23 and I'm having this massive existential crisis in the middle of Montreal. How bad is my life? Not that bad but I would like to be speaking English rather than French.

That's enough from me today. Just letting you know I'm around. I need to go to Church on Sunday. I need more God in my life.


georg said...


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