So It Goes

I have to admit days are not being spent happily in Montreal. I need cash and a job. One provides the other. I spent 3 days in Toronto and realised how much happier I was. People were speaking my language! I'm not trying to be ignorant of the French at all. It's just proving to be very difficult to get a job with out being fluent in French. Also I have not come in the best time for jobs. People love summer! So I need to find A job, any job to tide me over until summer. Don't think I've not been trying for a job. I have blisters on my feet from walking all over Montreal. I've never walked this much ever! Walking's my thing!

So I'm going to put my fingers in a couple of other pies and see how that goes. Hopefully very succesfully even if it does mean a relocation of province! You mean I have to leave Quebec? Ohhh, drat! Look out Greyhound! Here's another chance to lose my baggage!

I hope everyone is well. I am struggling a little bit but I am otherwise fine. Anyone know a really good recipe for nachos?

My love to all.


georg said...

nachos require ground beef, which you do not eat. so, here's what you do:

1. get a bunch of nacho chips;
2. learn to eat ground beef;
3. sprinkle chips with grated cheese (grated pepperjack and monterey jack, if you're feeling adventurous; otherwise, i dunno, maybe gouda or soft curd, but it has to be grated) and put into an oven until cheese is melted;
4. learn to eat ground beef;
5. brown the beef and sprinkle it on the nachos and chips;
6. top with lettuce, diced tomatoes, green and/or jalapeƱo peppers, whatever other type of veggies you may prefer;
7. learn to eat ground beef;
8. top with sour cream.

Cameron Cuming said...

Thank you, Georg. I can simply use a meat substitute. That's quite a layered delicious stack. Mmm, I will give that a shot.

In the meantime I used corn chips, leeks, mushrooms and tomatoes. Does everyone hate me yet?


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