Something About England

Unless you couldn't tell - I'm heading back to England. The pub I'll be working at is called The Oatlands Chaser. It's located down in Surrey and the job is courtesy of my old bartending buddy Jon Blundell. He is now the assistant manager at the pub I'll be working at. It is live in position and I'm really pleased about that. This way I can take pictures, come back, upload 'em and be back out soon. In between working of course. Oh yeah. I'll be working lots. That's the plan at least. If I plan to travel around Europe/America next year then I'll need to have some cash. Where did the bartering system go?!

I am alive and well. I recently went to Montreal in a flash of what seemed to be French lightning. It was good. It was amazing. It made me feel very needed and wanted by the folks at Reservoir when I turned up and had a beer in my hand within 10 seconds. That or they're supporting my alcoholism. Either way it was lovely.

Then I ended up in London, Ontario to see my old friend Kyle Reckman! That man made my last summer very bearable and introduced me to Christ so it was definitely win/win. He dived about 10 feet to come and hug me hello. It was very lovely. It is nice to feel loved by MEN. I'm not even making a euphemism. It's becoming quite apparent that people LIKE me? PEOPLE.

Well crazy as it seems I imagine the next blog entry will be from ENGLAND. Or just prior to going there. I've no idea what I'm going to say or do. It will be good.

Love to everyone.



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