Welcome to the Working Week

Hey chaps and chapettes!

I am a happy, happy person! Go ahead! Ask me why! When else would I have ever used 4 exclamation marks? Never. Absolutely never. Anyhow as I digress heavily from the point I would like to exclaim to Montreal that I have a job. And it's a good job! I'm currently one of 4 dishwashers at a bistro called Reservoir. It is a fantastic place to work for a couple of reasons.

1) Beer is brewed on the premises. Microbrasseries are fairly common around here but I think I am on to a winner. There's 6 currently available and, after a quick session with quality assurance testing, I can vouch that they are the tastiest beers in Montreal. Nothing commercial compares. I have become a heavy admirer of Nathan. He's the brewer. I love him. He is extremely passionate about beer and is knowledgeable to the max. Plus he's got an awesome sleeve of tattoos with hops! It's what he loves!

2) The people are good. There's no obvious animosity between anyone. No one is overly critical and the people who are Quebecois will talk in English to me and occasionally in French so I can learn some appropriate words. Plus from the servers I get tips and tips are good.

3) It's close! Down the road close which is good. I can walk there and back so that's a tiny bit more exercise I get. Yay.

So I think I'll just scrape in rent this time. NEXT month should be better. More tips, more earnings and I should be home free. I would like to go to Ottawa or Quebec City while I'm here so I can say I've seen more than Montreal. Also I'm aware the Ottawa isn't actually in Quebec so don't worry too much about tell me.

I am happy for a change. Please don't worry!



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