Canadian Amp

That's right. For those of you who can't read Canadian I am indeed heading off to the Great White Shark of the world! I am terricited! That's terrified and excited all in one! How can it be? Nobody knows! Regardless this is a great opportunity for me to be a brain and just see the world. Soak it in la', soak it in. I love that I've been given/taken this opportunity!

It also means I am closer to mon coeur, Chelsea. I had a great 8 days with her and I'm looking forward to counting down 30 days. It's less than that I'm working and it's more than that until I see her but I'll be damned in numbers will get in my way to loving her :)

Anyway I'm not sure anyone reads this or cares about it so I'll just be content in the fact that I've been accepted. sort out my EVERYTHING.

Lots of love!

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