Hello there, young internet viewers!
I can't recall if I have posted these or not! Tragically I am far too busy (gathering dust) to check! I'm sure there's at least one person reading this who will enjoy my pictures.
My first couple of days in Toronto were not without trouble. Apart from the culture shock I was experiencing there was a protest against two former U.S Presidents. Bill Clinton and George Bush were arranged to do some public speaking and this didn't sit too well with the Canadians. Oh no, Hell hath no fury like an angry Canadian, let me tell you. If you live near the U.S/Canada border you can actually hear them sharpening their ice skates.
Enraged at this public speaking engagement this rowdy mob intended to throw their shoes at Bush and/or Clinton in a re-enactment of the shoeing incident that Bush had experienced in Baghdad. I'm not sure whether or not they ended up achieving their goal. I'm guessing they didn't as there was nothing on the news or in any sort of print.
Strictly for your enjoyment only.

Toronto Protest
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