I'm So Tired Of It All or: Everything's Okay

It's now 8 days before I head off to Canada and guess what? I'm not looking forward to it that much. It could be because I don't have a place to stay? It could be because I don't have a job? I don't know. It's a vicious, vicious cycle. I need a place to stay to return to after a hard day of looking for a job, I need a job to pay for the houe, I need a bank account for the money from the job to go in to so I can pay for the house and so on. You see how it is. I'm sure one of them is harder than the other. I'm feeling very nonchalant about it to be quite honest. Like I'm just going to get a place, I'm just going to find a job, I'm just going to open a bank account. I really am not sure what I need to do.

I guess I need to fail. I obviously don't want to but it's probably good if I do. Not in the wholly classical sense where lose everything. No, maybe small doses of failure will be good. I don't think too many people know exactly what there plans are. I have a rough plan I'm working to but anything in between - good or bad - seems to be quite fair in gaining. What the hell do I mean? Can't say but I know that it's mine.

Ultimately it's my decisions and actions that determine how successful I will be in Canada. I should be looking for places to stay and jobs to gain. Perhaps my happy-go-lucky attitude needs to be changed or at least adjusted. There's thing in my life I know I want and I'll be damned if I'm going to let opportunities pass me by.

Anyway enough doom and freakin' gloom. I am looking forward to travelling there. It's going to be something new. It's going to be something very, very different and I'll be doing more sight seeing this time - guaranteed. Definitely going for a car this time. I don't want to sound like a slave to the motor industry but it's pretty obvious that my current goal/objective is to see the place I'm living and Canada, for the uninformed, is a fairly large land mass. So I'm either gonna need to start flapping hard or grow some wings. Or a car. It's quite a plausible situation to find myself in really. I didn't do it in England because frankly English roads scared the putney out of me. A simple fear perhaps but I'm still alive so there!

Don't fear for me. I can do it better than you and it's self-inflicted. If I didn't think that I could do this I'd go back to Australia and contemplate moving up to Lancelin. Fortunately I can deal with myself complaining about how I miss Australia and how America is like Australia in twenty years time. Yeah, take that.

In other news I'm pregnant. That sucks. Explains the fat and moodiness. Also I need a haircut. Everything is going aces. So until next time intrepid reader be good, don't snort glue and certainly don't write crude letters to the Editor.



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