One Day (At A Time)

Not content with not having a job... I decided to get off my laurels and do something about it. I got 25 resumes printed out and managed to get rid of 6. Not a huge number I know or even a relative percentage in the business world but I'm quite pleased with myself. I've become reasonably fearless about going in places. I'd rather tell people I'm looking for a job as opposed to "I don't have a job!". I need money. No doubt about that. I need to be reasonably shrewd with my money. At the moment I'm going under the idea that I need to 'spend money to make money'. That's only if, at some point, you replenish that other money some how. Doesn't matter how, just so long as it happens.

To summarise: I'm much happier than I was 6 days ago. Six days ago I was feeling awful, I'd just left Chelsea and everything was coming tumbling down around me. I wasn't happy. Fast forward almost a week and I'm still somewhat unhappy but I'm beginning to spread my wings a little and get out, see the place, understand what's what. I'd still much rather be living in Tennessee but unfortunately I can't live there (at the moment!). Fortunately I can fly straight from Toronto to Tennessee. Costs a little bit more but definitely worth it. I love her.

That was an awful long summary!



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