For the one person interested...
...I'm leaving Canada for a bit to go visit my loving girl, Chelsea, down in the United States. I'll be there for a bit so that will be sufficient time for me to sort out where I want to go next. I'm tossed up between heading west for snow, liberty and Montana or trundling across East to Montreal to spice up my life with the French and New England? I don't know but I certainly don't want to limit myself to just one area of Canada. In my pea brain I want to make my way to Vancouver, buy a car and drive up to Alaska. I don't even care how long it takes. That would be something that I could certainly blog about.
In other news I'm somewhat in the need of a camera. I'm looking online because I know I've had some great things to take pictures of during the summer but simply haven't. I had one when I came but I lost the bleedin' thing. Not so bad. I hated it. I'm ready to forfeit the £60 it cost me. Rather buy something I enjoy using than a lump of metal I don't.
So I'll be keeping you updated from America. I imagine I will buckle and purchase a camera OR I'll get the one I currently have repaired somehow. I loved that like a baby. It was mine and mine alone. Plus it was fun to take out and annoy people with.
Cheers person-who-reads-this-most-often.
The Last Time
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I did not anticipate the hungry crowd to bay for more blog posts. It was my impression that they had grown tired of my endless rambling about the smallest things. Oh dear. Well I've had almost 4 months to do some things and I guess I've done some fairly interesting things.
I decided to come back to summer camp. If not for the shirt then definitely for the people. Muskoka 10. Should be a good shirt. I'm just hoping that the people who I enjoyed company with come back next year. I don't know if I want to be back in the kitchen though. I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it. I can't work with the kids though due to the parameters of my visa. Lucky me.
Where am I off to next? I'm thinking that Montreal, Calgary or Vancouver are the places I'd like to go. Again it's something I will have to engage in serious thought about. Y'know the sorts where you stay awake at night fearing for your life and might come after the present? Yeah, that sort.
I still miss Australia. Yes, I do. I'll probably come back one day, dear, but until then I'll ply my trade in other countries. So far I can bake bread and pull a pint. Next I might try teaching people how ski. Crash and die option freely available too!
Not too sure on if this post was funnier but it was certainly longer. I intend to keep you updated on what I am or am not doing. As it happens I imagine there will quite a lot of the latter. So just stay tuned, vigilant readers, for more terrifying tales of my terrific travelling!
By the title lends to me attempting update this blog thirty three times. At least it feels like it. Goodness gracious
- I made some very awesome friends (KYLE RECKMAN).
- I enjoyed the Canadian summer
- I accepted God in to my life
- I became the baker of a summer camp
- I discovered that not all North American lager is awful
- I considered several travel options, two of which I will probably undertake
- I rode a horse. It was fun
- I didn't photograph a single thing. I'm too caught up in the loss of my old camera.
- I saw a squirrel, a chipmunk, a deer, a garter snake and three million black flies and mosquitos
- I had a vision which was fairly scary and a dream that I'll always have. Could have been anything
I decided to come back to summer camp. If not for the shirt then definitely for the people. Muskoka 10. Should be a good shirt. I'm just hoping that the people who I enjoyed company with come back next year. I don't know if I want to be back in the kitchen though. I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it. I can't work with the kids though due to the parameters of my visa. Lucky me.
Where am I off to next? I'm thinking that Montreal, Calgary or Vancouver are the places I'd like to go. Again it's something I will have to engage in serious thought about. Y'know the sorts where you stay awake at night fearing for your life and might come after the present? Yeah, that sort.
I still miss Australia. Yes, I do. I'll probably come back one day, dear, but until then I'll ply my trade in other countries. So far I can bake bread and pull a pint. Next I might try teaching people how ski. Crash and die option freely available too!
Not too sure on if this post was funnier but it was certainly longer. I intend to keep you updated on what I am or am not doing. As it happens I imagine there will quite a lot of the latter. So just stay tuned, vigilant readers, for more terrifying tales of my terrific travelling!
By the title lends to me attempting update this blog thirty three times. At least it feels like it. Goodness gracious
Getting Better
Comments: (3)
It IS getting better all the time. Very short update to let everyone know that I've got a job at Camp Muskoka in Ontario and everything is swell. The cattle prods I don't approve of but never mind. I'm sure I can tolerate two months of that.
A longer, rather funnier update shall follow. I tell the truth!
A longer, rather funnier update shall follow. I tell the truth!
One Day (At A Time)
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Not content with not having a job... I decided to get off my laurels and do something about it. I got 25 resumes printed out and managed to get rid of 6. Not a huge number I know or even a relative percentage in the business world but I'm quite pleased with myself. I've become reasonably fearless about going in places. I'd rather tell people I'm looking for a job as opposed to "I don't have a job!". I need money. No doubt about that. I need to be reasonably shrewd with my money. At the moment I'm going under the idea that I need to 'spend money to make money'. That's only if, at some point, you replenish that other money some how. Doesn't matter how, just so long as it happens.
To summarise: I'm much happier than I was 6 days ago. Six days ago I was feeling awful, I'd just left Chelsea and everything was coming tumbling down around me. I wasn't happy. Fast forward almost a week and I'm still somewhat unhappy but I'm beginning to spread my wings a little and get out, see the place, understand what's what. I'd still much rather be living in Tennessee but unfortunately I can't live there (at the moment!). Fortunately I can fly straight from Toronto to Tennessee. Costs a little bit more but definitely worth it. I love her.
That was an awful long summary!
To summarise: I'm much happier than I was 6 days ago. Six days ago I was feeling awful, I'd just left Chelsea and everything was coming tumbling down around me. I wasn't happy. Fast forward almost a week and I'm still somewhat unhappy but I'm beginning to spread my wings a little and get out, see the place, understand what's what. I'd still much rather be living in Tennessee but unfortunately I can't live there (at the moment!). Fortunately I can fly straight from Toronto to Tennessee. Costs a little bit more but definitely worth it. I love her.
That was an awful long summary!
Hooray for That Little Difference!
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I've done the first big boy thing I needed to!
I set up my bank account. I've been told where to shop and what to do so I think I'll be ok. I just need a job now. Mmm, that could be harder to achieve than I originally thought? Maybe.. I don't know. Time will tell, time will tell.
Cheers from Toronto.
I set up my bank account. I've been told where to shop and what to do so I think I'll be ok. I just need a job now. Mmm, that could be harder to achieve than I originally thought? Maybe.. I don't know. Time will tell, time will tell.
Cheers from Toronto.
I Feel Much Better
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Pretty short update.
I'm sitting in Charlotte International Airport awaiting the loud man to say "Good afternoon, we are now boarding Flight 1688 to Toronto, Ontario". I assume that's what they'll say at least. Regardless after that is said I imagine I will evacuate my bowel AND bladder at the same time so it will appear I'm like a seagull. It's terrifying and I've got a dry feeling in my mouth but I think I can sort it out. I'm like that. However it is over a weekend so I could be in trouble. Oh well.
To all my friends who read this - mum and maybe Georg (?) - make sure I don't drink my skeleton juice. Hhowp.
I'm sitting in Charlotte International Airport awaiting the loud man to say "Good afternoon, we are now boarding Flight 1688 to Toronto, Ontario". I assume that's what they'll say at least. Regardless after that is said I imagine I will evacuate my bowel AND bladder at the same time so it will appear I'm like a seagull. It's terrifying and I've got a dry feeling in my mouth but I think I can sort it out. I'm like that. However it is over a weekend so I could be in trouble. Oh well.
To all my friends who read this - mum and maybe Georg (?) - make sure I don't drink my skeleton juice. Hhowp.
I'm So Tired Of It All or: Everything's Okay
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It's now 8 days before I head off to Canada and guess what? I'm not looking forward to it that much. It could be because I don't have a place to stay? It could be because I don't have a job? I don't know. It's a vicious, vicious cycle. I need a place to stay to return to after a hard day of looking for a job, I need a job to pay for the houe, I need a bank account for the money from the job to go in to so I can pay for the house and so on. You see how it is. I'm sure one of them is harder than the other. I'm feeling very nonchalant about it to be quite honest. Like I'm just going to get a place, I'm just going to find a job, I'm just going to open a bank account. I really am not sure what I need to do.
I guess I need to fail. I obviously don't want to but it's probably good if I do. Not in the wholly classical sense where lose everything. No, maybe small doses of failure will be good. I don't think too many people know exactly what there plans are. I have a rough plan I'm working to but anything in between - good or bad - seems to be quite fair in gaining. What the hell do I mean? Can't say but I know that it's mine.
Ultimately it's my decisions and actions that determine how successful I will be in Canada. I should be looking for places to stay and jobs to gain. Perhaps my happy-go-lucky attitude needs to be changed or at least adjusted. There's thing in my life I know I want and I'll be damned if I'm going to let opportunities pass me by.
Anyway enough doom and freakin' gloom. I am looking forward to travelling there. It's going to be something new. It's going to be something very, very different and I'll be doing more sight seeing this time - guaranteed. Definitely going for a car this time. I don't want to sound like a slave to the motor industry but it's pretty obvious that my current goal/objective is to see the place I'm living and Canada, for the uninformed, is a fairly large land mass. So I'm either gonna need to start flapping hard or grow some wings. Or a car. It's quite a plausible situation to find myself in really. I didn't do it in England because frankly English roads scared the putney out of me. A simple fear perhaps but I'm still alive so there!
Don't fear for me. I can do it better than you and it's self-inflicted. If I didn't think that I could do this I'd go back to Australia and contemplate moving up to Lancelin. Fortunately I can deal with myself complaining about how I miss Australia and how America is like Australia in twenty years time. Yeah, take that.
In other news I'm pregnant. That sucks. Explains the fat and moodiness. Also I need a haircut. Everything is going aces. So until next time intrepid reader be good, don't snort glue and certainly don't write crude letters to the Editor.
I guess I need to fail. I obviously don't want to but it's probably good if I do. Not in the wholly classical sense where lose everything. No, maybe small doses of failure will be good. I don't think too many people know exactly what there plans are. I have a rough plan I'm working to but anything in between - good or bad - seems to be quite fair in gaining. What the hell do I mean? Can't say but I know that it's mine.
Ultimately it's my decisions and actions that determine how successful I will be in Canada. I should be looking for places to stay and jobs to gain. Perhaps my happy-go-lucky attitude needs to be changed or at least adjusted. There's thing in my life I know I want and I'll be damned if I'm going to let opportunities pass me by.
Anyway enough doom and freakin' gloom. I am looking forward to travelling there. It's going to be something new. It's going to be something very, very different and I'll be doing more sight seeing this time - guaranteed. Definitely going for a car this time. I don't want to sound like a slave to the motor industry but it's pretty obvious that my current goal/objective is to see the place I'm living and Canada, for the uninformed, is a fairly large land mass. So I'm either gonna need to start flapping hard or grow some wings. Or a car. It's quite a plausible situation to find myself in really. I didn't do it in England because frankly English roads scared the putney out of me. A simple fear perhaps but I'm still alive so there!
Don't fear for me. I can do it better than you and it's self-inflicted. If I didn't think that I could do this I'd go back to Australia and contemplate moving up to Lancelin. Fortunately I can deal with myself complaining about how I miss Australia and how America is like Australia in twenty years time. Yeah, take that.
In other news I'm pregnant. That sucks. Explains the fat and moodiness. Also I need a haircut. Everything is going aces. So until next time intrepid reader be good, don't snort glue and certainly don't write crude letters to the Editor.
Here Today
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Yep, I'm in Tennessee. This is my rest time where I get to kick back, punch people and generally tell people what I think about political and religious matters. It is great because I get to see my lovely Chelsea. She is great but she doesn't know that. I'll make her so sure about it that she won't never need to doubt it.
I'm not going to be idle, no, no! I'm going to be using this time as an opportunity to look for jobs and places to stay. You know - the important things; the things that I should have been thinking about a couple of month ago. Never fear because I've got my thumbs in a couple of pies that could turn out to be both delicious and profitable. You know what I mean!?
So for the next couple of weeks I'll be both brooding and happy. I'm nervous. I shouldn't be but I am. People are seemingly more confident in me and my actions than I am. I don't know why. It was quite easy to assimilate myself in to English society. It wasn't that much different to Australia. Different countries, yes but Australia is still quite an Anglo-Saxon society even if we don't think we are...
...on the other hand and side of the world Canada is different. Yeah, yeah. Same Queen, same roots but due to the unmistakable segregation that Australia has from the rest of the world we've stuck to those roots whereas the Canadians have grown and fondled their American cousin's society. Oh yes, oh yes. I'm saying things I know little about. For all I know Canada could be considerably different to how I think it is. Heck, I know that England certainly was. I'd over romanticised that something savage and I guess that I was quite taken aback when I realised that it wasn't all tea and crumpets and conversation about the Euro. Well...2 outta 3 ain't bad.
So what am I trying to say? Don't travel, it'll do you in eventually? Well, yeah but I'd thought that since I lived in Australia. I know that one day I will have to settle down (and God knows that I want to settle down with Ms. Bennett [the Chelsea one]) and do the things that people who settle down do (dey do dough, don't dey dough?). Bugger it. Why am I even thinking about this? I'm a dumb, that's why. Chelsea says it and she's right.
Anyhow must shower now...stuff to do, people to impress and all that! Pip-pip! Stay short, don't eat out of bins and certainly don't "watch children". It's against the law, you see.
Peace and love, peace and love, peace and love.
I'm not going to be idle, no, no! I'm going to be using this time as an opportunity to look for jobs and places to stay. You know - the important things; the things that I should have been thinking about a couple of month ago. Never fear because I've got my thumbs in a couple of pies that could turn out to be both delicious and profitable. You know what I mean!?
So for the next couple of weeks I'll be both brooding and happy. I'm nervous. I shouldn't be but I am. People are seemingly more confident in me and my actions than I am. I don't know why. It was quite easy to assimilate myself in to English society. It wasn't that much different to Australia. Different countries, yes but Australia is still quite an Anglo-Saxon society even if we don't think we are...
...on the other hand and side of the world Canada is different. Yeah, yeah. Same Queen, same roots but due to the unmistakable segregation that Australia has from the rest of the world we've stuck to those roots whereas the Canadians have grown and fondled their American cousin's society. Oh yes, oh yes. I'm saying things I know little about. For all I know Canada could be considerably different to how I think it is. Heck, I know that England certainly was. I'd over romanticised that something savage and I guess that I was quite taken aback when I realised that it wasn't all tea and crumpets and conversation about the Euro. Well...2 outta 3 ain't bad.
So what am I trying to say? Don't travel, it'll do you in eventually? Well, yeah but I'd thought that since I lived in Australia. I know that one day I will have to settle down (and God knows that I want to settle down with Ms. Bennett [the Chelsea one]) and do the things that people who settle down do (dey do dough, don't dey dough?). Bugger it. Why am I even thinking about this? I'm a dumb, that's why. Chelsea says it and she's right.
Anyhow must shower now...stuff to do, people to impress and all that! Pip-pip! Stay short, don't eat out of bins and certainly don't "watch children". It's against the law, you see.
Peace and love, peace and love, peace and love.
Canadian Amp
Comments: (3)
That's right. For those of you who can't read Canadian I am indeed heading off to the Great White Shark of the world! I am terricited! That's terrified and excited all in one! How can it be? Nobody knows! Regardless this is a great opportunity for me to be a brain and just see the world. Soak it in la', soak it in. I love that I've been given/taken this opportunity!
It also means I am closer to mon coeur, Chelsea. I had a great 8 days with her and I'm looking forward to counting down 30 days. It's less than that I'm working and it's more than that until I see her but I'll be damned in numbers will get in my way to loving her :)
Anyway I'm not sure anyone reads this or cares about it so I'll just be content in the fact that I've been accepted. sort out my EVERYTHING.
Lots of love!
It also means I am closer to mon coeur, Chelsea. I had a great 8 days with her and I'm looking forward to counting down 30 days. It's less than that I'm working and it's more than that until I see her but I'll be damned in numbers will get in my way to loving her :)
Anyway I'm not sure anyone reads this or cares about it so I'll just be content in the fact that I've been accepted. sort out my EVERYTHING.
Lots of love!
Now I'm Here
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I'm still here. I am just recovering from the month that was December. What a belter of a month and what a great month for money. I've nearly made as much money from tips as I have from wages. It's been great and I'm so very glad I decided to come back for this month. It has been a complete slog and I'm glad I've done it. I don't think it's yet over and I'm sure that this feeling will carry on until February...
...UNTIL which time I go on a holiday! Yes, that's right. A holiday. It was only seven months ago I was in America lazing it up, kissing Chelsea and drinking loads of beer. Well.. it was and I happened to like it. Chelsea is coming over to see me and that's the greatest New Year's gift anyone can give me at the moment. She knows how I love her and now she is coming over here.
I've not actually progressed on my Canada trip. I need to get that all sent off THIS fortnight. If not then I may be in for an up hill battle. I will succeed though. I am sure of it. I have this delicious luck of the Irish. God protects babies and drunks. I'm one of each so that will work out well for me in the end.
Somebody loves you, don't you know it.
...UNTIL which time I go on a holiday! Yes, that's right. A holiday. It was only seven months ago I was in America lazing it up, kissing Chelsea and drinking loads of beer. Well.. it was and I happened to like it. Chelsea is coming over to see me and that's the greatest New Year's gift anyone can give me at the moment. She knows how I love her and now she is coming over here.
I've not actually progressed on my Canada trip. I need to get that all sent off THIS fortnight. If not then I may be in for an up hill battle. I will succeed though. I am sure of it. I have this delicious luck of the Irish. God protects babies and drunks. I'm one of each so that will work out well for me in the end.
Somebody loves you, don't you know it.