On The Road To Findout

Because I'm just OVERLOADED with money (a banking error it seems!) I will be planning to go back to the United States around April time to stay a month with my loved one. You might be begging to ask "Cameron? But WHY would you want to do that after the last time you were there?". I would answer with "Well I'm glad you asked, loyal reader!". Then I'd probably trail off on a whole ton of reasons relating to love, the tyranny of distance and how often I get to see her vs. the density/quality of the stay. Basically those are things that a lot of you wouldn't understand! But anyway we'll all jump that hurdle when we get there. The rough outline is already planned in my head. Seems KLM is the airline to fly but reviews don't seem that amazing. Cheap airfare but shoddy service? I think I can deal with that. Especially after having spent 2 and a half days on a Greyhound bus from Nashville to Montreal. Oh, the fun I had then!

Hopefffffully I will be getting access to wireless internet and not have to use this dongle (snicker!). Then I can finally upload pictures of my Surrey adventure. Things are swinging pretty nicely. I am becoming satisfied with my life here which is kind of amusing considering my resentful comments when I got here. I said the same thing when I got to Cheshire though. AND LOOK HOW THAT ENDED UP! I wish this place had more of a bar area so people would come in and drink more. Shame that doesn't seem to be the case. However there is an Innkeeper's Lodge upstairs and too many rowdy drunkards wouldn't really sit well with the patrons upstairs. Like it or lump it, I think.

I would like to start building model aeroplanes. I wrote airplanes then. I'm somewhat disappointed in my semi-conversion to American words. I do, however, think it will be easier when communicating with people over there. I'll try and make a Yorkshire pudding for someone over there. Roast dinners, ahoy. Speaking of roast dinners or at least on the topic of food - I enjoyed a vegetarian haggis for the second time in my life but I boiled it? It was amazing! I included the neeps and tatties and they were just as good! Oh, Scotland. You call for me from the glens.

I'm pretty sure I should go and get myself ready for work now. Another eight hours of locking wits with cooks, people who drink Guinness and blackcurrant and the coffee machine. That machine is the bane of my life. Amongst many other things, come to think of it.

Take care, be ware.


Unknown said...

I really hope you do make it here in April... you do mean this year, right? I hope so! By April, I will look like I'm about to pop! I didn't know you had a blog. I like it. I like to imagine your accent reading it. Hope to see you soon!

La Chelsa said...

I'm glad you coming over is a real thing now :)

Cameron Cuming said...

I sure will be there in April, Lisa. I'll be there for my birthday. I would love to have a little shindig with an orange cake. I really love the colour and the fruit. Also cakes.

I know, my bab. It is good. I will talk to you more before actually booking it but it is exciting.


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