Back in the Saddle Again

Howdy folk! To make that a plural would be me being quite unrealistic. I guess it's just me reading this so I'm going to write as though I'm having a conversation with myself. These kind of things make me realise why I still own a haircut like I do.

I've been working pretty consistently at The Oatlands Chaser. It's not even a mark on the Midland but it's not so bad. The people I work with are alright but some of them are lugheads. Regardless I think I should be getting paid a decent penny at the end of the month. As it so happens I'll only get paid a couple of days before Australia Day and that will allow me to book my tickets overseas. Hopefully I will be gracing the shores of Belgium, France and Poland in the next three months time. It's part of my new 'get-the-hell-out-of-England' campaign. So far it's going well. Even going to London is amazing. It's new to me so I'm excited as a pig going to market to see new places. It's not so much that I'm getting to see them as it is that I get to see a new place. That's the best part! I want to go to the sea sometime. I forget what it looks like. I also want to go swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. I HAVE BIG ASPIRATIONS, OK.

Apart from that I'm going to be keeping my beard. I like it. It'll be a relic from the 70s. I really wish I could grow a moustache like my father but seeing as I can't/it's really weak I continue with it. If only people didn't hate them as much as they did I would be fine. There's a lot of follicle furore about this place but I don't care. I like it. Makes me look... older. I can deal with that. I have a baby face apparently so this is adding on the years that I so sorely need.

I want to move on from this place as soon as possible. That way I can see more of England. This place is nice but it's too rich for me. Money and I aren't amazing together. Although I am drinking champagne and eating caviar currently. I guess I'm being hypocritical. LAUGH.

Goodbye everyone. The point of the matter is to remain positive, love everyone and eat grilled cheese sandwiches.


La Chelsa said...

I am your folk.

My secret word is preff.

georg said...

you can't "own" a haircut, arthur



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