I'm Waiting For The Day

Stop the presses.

Well not literally but you can stop them if you want. Just so I can keep everyone up to date:

1) I've not yet got a job but I'm working on it. Winter was not the time to come here unfortunately. So I thought snow would mean jobs in the ski area? It's getting to that time where it's the mid-season turnover and a lot of current employees will be toddling off somewhere. There's also a couple of jobs in quite remote locations that I'm going to apply for. Why not? It's not like I've got a pressing schedule to attend to and it may help me get my brain in order. A pretty big order but stranger things have happened.

2) For the time being I have a big, black dog and we get a long pretty well. He's a little dopey but I like him still. He's a wee pup of only seven months so he's still got some learning to do but he can sit, lay down and give. At least that's all I know of what he can do. I think he constructs model aeroplanes when I'm out then deconstructs when I'm out.

3) Did I mention the job fiasco? Oh...well please see number one on this list.

Other that it's a fairly bleak day in Montreal. Too much snow! It seems to have melted mostly away and now we're back to yesterday afternoon. I'd sorely like to see the Sun but my glowing optimism and my radiant personality must make up for it somewhere!

Goodnight, God bless and kiss goodbye to the Earth.

P.S Anyone got a spare digital camera they don't use? Send it to me.


La Chelsa said...

:( I will have Mom try to send you one?

Cameron Cuming said...

If you can, beautiful girl, that would be spectacular but it's just as ok if not :)

I love you.


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