Help Me to Help Myself

I've got my passport photos so now all I have to do is get a cheque sorted out for payment. Canada, watch out! Oh yes, my dreams (which have sort of become reality in the last 4 months) are getting closer to be achieved. While it's long way to go and also hard road of hope in the mean time I will continue along this cone of reality. It's really quite good actually.

I've also started the application for the Diversity Lottery - the green card. That's not going to badly either. I'm worried my photo won't be the appropriate measurements though and it'll be rejected. A little annoying, I'm sure. I'm assuming it's a passport photo but I don't want to go through it all and realise that in reality, it's not. That would hurt. AND WASTE MY MONEY.

Sort of. Just remember that I'm not coming back to Australia, kids. Sometime after this whole ordeal has blown over. Until then, I'll just stick to the Northern Hemisphere.

Love to you all! Be good.



georg said...

i will be visiting you in canada a lot. maybe even moving there! it's a lot closer than manchester, that's for sure.

("too", not "to")

Cameron Cuming said...

Red Lester will be the next big thing in Canadian rock.

Heh, that made me laugh.


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