Going Down the Road Feeling Bad

I have progressed since last time you would have read my musings. Oh yes, I'm not just a pretty face. No, far from it actually. Sometimes I shudder when reading the newspaper about the people who have to see me each day. On with it anyway..

I've got my printed application which is a plus! I now require passport photos which is a fairly simple task. If there's one thing that is more prominent over here than underage drinking it's passport photo machines. They're everywhere. I'm actually getting a signal from one now! How about that? Don't believe it. Understandable.

Confidence in my move is starting to slip a little. It's simply the fact that I am going in to a very big unknown. I'm not just talking about wearing your sister's clothes while she is out at the supermarket. No, no. I'm talking about uprooting myself from a country I am reasonably acquainted with and moving to a country I've never been to. Yes, argument slightly valid with England but I have family here and a handful of people I know. In Canada I know no one and I'm only barely intimate with the provinces. I know a little about the history of Canada and famous people from there but other than that...nothing. Woe is me. I'm soooo hard done by.

But fear not faithful reader! As silly as it sounds I do want to fail at some stage during this pulling up of stakes. I want to fail because then I can learn from my mistakes. I am leading a somewhat sheltered life at the moment and I'm not doing anything that is unbecoming of how some people may describe me. Actually I've described myself in the past as 'dull', 'boring' and 'fat'. 100% strike rate with those words. Ouch. I'd like to perhaps get drunk one night and forget how many teeth I have or the name of the first President of the Continental Congress (Peyton Randolph if you please). But I can't. I do like starting sentences with conjunctions. And no one can stop me. Yet just try. The joke there is that I did 3 times. It may have slipped past a couple of people but I'm sure that most of you got it.

So thing are going well. I don't need to rush this process. The Letter of Invitation lasts a year so if anything.. I might want to wait a little bit. I'm sure if it takes a couple of days for the required documents to get to the Colony, then a couple of days to be sent to Canberra, processing time and then the reverse process I'm looking at about a month. That is Camstimate™. It could very well be longer or shorter. I don't care. So long as something comes of it. I remember how nervous I was when my English visa was taking a while. A whole lot of stupidity on my behalf but still - quite nerve wracking!

I am also going to apply for the Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery. That is green card to you and I! Bleedin' foreigners. I'll show the Americans. Me in America would be equivalent to a mouse in a handbag. He'd be happy there but wonder what he's doing. I should steer clear of New York though. People might mistake me for Kiwi and that is sacrilege. I can't have that. I also can't stop thinking that mouse. Cute little thing it is. 2010! That will be America year. If I was issued a green card that would be awesome and I would flirt it everywhere until one day I lost it and people became suspicious of me. By that time I will be Emmanuel del Rayo Cortez. I'm sure I can become more Hispanic looking before I lose anything. Here's to hoping!

I will leave you all to mull over what I've said and perhaps give you time to ferment thoughts about me. Like "Does he shave that often?" or "How can people stand his presence?". In fact I can answer those two now. I shave every two days. It keeps the follicles at bay! Have at thee, hair! As for the presence question: I'm not entirely sure. I think it's because when I'm around people who are feeling down kill themselves or those who lack in self confidence feel better because they have a larger sack of door knobs with them. That's right. I'm a sack of door knobs.

Ce qui sera, sera.



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