Canada Dry

Here we are again. Look at me—two posts in two years! Slow down there, Ryoki Inoue! That’s a prolific writer joke, indeed. Goodness me, I’m too kind to you all!

So, how has everyone been? I’d be shocked if, despite the number of “views” these posts receive, anyone is truly reading them. I’m ambivalent about that, to be honest. Sure, I like seeing how many people (or bots) might be reading my words, but I also don’t lie awake at night with the vain desire to reach more eyes. No thanks! This is, I suppose, more of a slow buildup toward getting back to traveling. More to be revealed, intrepid reader!

What have I been up to? I’m still slogging away at university. Last time I posted—just over a year ago—I was quite pleased to have finished my first semester. Now I’m halfway through my degree—in terms of elapsed time, semesters, and, more importantly, credits. Gotta bag ‘em up and slot ‘em in because those are the important ones. I’ve just finished a summer course on forensic science, and it was bloody fantastic. This will put me one unit ahead, and that’s exactly what I’m keen on doing. Ideally, I’ll try to earn two extra units sometime during 2025 so that, in 2026—specifically in my last semester—I’ll only be doing one linguistics unit. That’d be pretty cool, don’t you think? It probably will be.

As for the overall progress of my studies, I’ve been doing well. Shockingly well, in fact. I don’t know where this whole notion of me being a fool comes from, but I certainly lean into that idea a little too much. My essays are solid, my exams aren’t too bad, and I’m genuinely enjoying the process. I wonder if that’s how academia gets people. I suppose this is where I need to start considering my next path. Ideally, I’ll pursue a Master’s in Speech Pathology—that’s been the plan all along. But what comes before that? Who knows.

I would like to travel a bit after I finish my studies. I’m not sure I’m wild about diving straight back into everything—I also don’t think I can. I’d rather not start in the middle of the year again. Perhaps I could find an opportunity overseas, too. I have to consider that possibility. But yeah, I’d like to head back to the U.K. for a while, catch up with some mates and family, then move on to Canada to do my thing there and, if I’m feeling especially daring, venture into the United States. Oooh boy. That whole thing again, eh? It’s got me biting my fingernails, and I’m not even there yet... I’ve also applied for the Green Card Lottery. Again. Clever and long-time readers will remember that I was actually selected for the GCL waaaaaay back in 2011. I didn’t manage to get the darn thing on account of my Canadian police clearance not arriving on time—not that they doubted me, but they needed it to continue the process. Nowadays, apparently, a receipt is sufficient. Curse it—I missed out on that one. What would I do in the U.S., I wonder? The dream is somewhere warm, dry, and quiet. But not too dry—I crave the snow and the cold. If any Americans are reading this, let me know of a place like that!

Since the last entry, I’ve managed to reduce my mass by an absolutely superb 16 kilos (35 lb for those of you using the Imperial system and 2½ stone for those in England), and I’m not finished yet. I’d like to get under 100 kg (or 220 lb/15 stone) before I start singing my praises. My clothes fit better, I feel better, and my worldview seems a little more cherry red and a little less Aberdeen grey. I might very well be at my highest level of fitness ever—I don’t know exactly how to measure that, but I do feel good. I feel almost happy. Imagine that.

Apart from that, I don’t have a whole bunch going on. I think I like it that way—fewer distractions getting in the way of the ultimate goal: graduation. I’m sure I’ll look back on this later in life and cackle. Regardless, it’s a noble goal and one I’m happy to wait to achieve. I’d like to get back into some sports and even play more guitar, but for now, I’m content to focus a little more on my schooling. As an aside, I will deliberately fail a unit if it means I can use those ferries from Elizabeth Quay to UWA. It feels like it’s my destiny somehow.

I've been giving Matt Berry's new album a fair old thrashing as of the last week. It's sound, it's solid, and it is good reminder that he has thirteen albums to his name. Can't say that I've listened to all of them, but I did love Witchazel when it came out. I think I may have downloaded it from his website which was the style at the time. Okay. Sure, it's called Canada Dry but that's merely a coincidence. I know for a fact that drinking a Canada Dry in Canada as you are dry is one of the best experiences you can get. If you're getting snowed on, then you're gonna have a bad time. 

Also, watch Toast of London and you can appreciate Gale of Baldur's Gate 3 and his oft delivered bastardry.



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