Their Hearts Were Full of Spring

It ain't half hot, mum! The temptation that spring is indeed around the corner is just unbearable. Supposedly we're due for more snow tonight and I'm torn between what I want. I love snow but I also love not snow! Aieee! Please help me, meteorologists!

Just to let everyone know that from now on I'm not going to apologise for the lapse in time. I'll update when I want to and not preform to a circus! I've had enough! You are all not the collective bosses of me. Except me actual boss. He currently is.

What has happened since last update? I've moved back to Canada for a bit. I enjoy the familiarity and also the snow. For a person who comes from a country with a ridiculous climate, I do find it incredibly laughable that I enjoy the snow. Still it is receding. The normal ground is showing and the bleak reality that is summer approaches. The leaves reappear, the ground turns a reminiscent hue covered with wood chips and the fauna decide to return to the air. There's nothing worse than mosquitos or black flies in Canada. Not one thing. Erk.

My plans so far are: stick it out where I am until September, slide along west to Alberta to meet up with a very old, very dear friend and then, if funds permit, to slide over to the United Kingdom as a somewhat of a 'farewell' tour (as much as one can have at what will almost be 28) with stops definitely in Manchester, London and any stockists of real ale! Hooray! I must point out that at this time everything concerning England is still somewhat in the planning stage. But sally forth I must!

Aside from all that, I must start up my photography again. There's only so many snowbanks you can photograph in an artistic way. Summer, please fill me with your aesthetic delights!

Until next time I'm updating this blog: please enjoy this song by The Four Freshmen. I don't actually own this song but I have enjoyed a cover by The Beach Boys (I was going to include a link to this but apparently Mike Love has been on the trawl and removed any trace of it! Curses!). Listen to them vocals, son!

Keep safe everyone!



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