
I really, really, really couldn't have featured a more predictable title for this inclusion. I feel a little bit embarrassed. All the other birthday related songs on Youtube were either somewhat saddeningunbearably morose, Delia Derbyshire (much love and respect) or probably not appropriate. No matter how much I love Conway Twitty, I just can't handle him calling me darling one more time.

Now that I'm 26 I wonder if I will magically get a life compass. Will I figure out what I want to do with myself? Even if I don't I really should be appreciative of what I accomplished while I was away. Four years is really nothing to snort at. I never really anticipated staying away from as long as I did. Two birthdays in England, two in the United States. And now twenty two in Australia.

I had a pleasant day yesterday. I woke up fairly early and did the 21st century routine - Facebook, twitter, tumblr, gmail. And I felt bad for it because I was simply skimming to see if anyone had said "Happy Birthday!". Given that a good 60% of my friends are in England/Canada/the U.S, it was somewhat of a forlorn attempt at boosting my ego. It wouldn't be my birthday for another half a day. Bother.

After I had decided it was time enough to get up, I was greeted with a cup of tea and a rather boisterous "Happy Birthday!" from mum and dad. Mum had purchased my present a couple of days before with my consent so I knew what I was getting. Still it was exciting enough to elicit a giggle of excitment from me. I'm now the proud owner of a Leatherman! Unfortunately it has a name yet. Everyone needs to name their multi-tools! All in good time I suppose.

Then tragedy struck. I began to feel rather lethargic and upset. My throat was starting to tickle, my eyes became incredibly itchy and my nose became home to what felt like the world's only supply of cotton buds. I had been hit with hay fever before but this was ridiculous. Of all the days that my body could decide to harass me! The nerve of it!

To battle this affliction I decided to go to bed and sleep it away. At this time I discovered headaches really hurt and that made me go to sleep a lot quicker. What I wouldn't have done for either a bottle of Laphroiag or just a whole load of Vallium. Yummo. I did eventually nod off and it was most pleasant. When I awoke the headache was still there but, unbeknownst to me, in somewhat of a dormant state.

I had mentioned to mum about going out for some food but wasn't quite sure on what I felt like. Although I guess it was always going to be Indian. There really is no other food I enjoy more than Indian. During my absence the number of Indian restaurants in Rockingham seemingly doubled. There's also one just down the road from where I live claiming to a "Neaplese" restaurant. Even the website goes with that spelling. How kitschy. In any case I decided upon Spices on Ocean. With a name like that it kind of reminded me of all the quaint English villages I used to visit. The meals were superb and, appropriately, I was in bed by 10pm. Can't say fairer than that for a 26 year old.

Right now I've got another year to look forward to. I'm unsure as to what I'm going to fill it with but, given the chance, I hope to make use of it somewhat better than I did my last one. I'd like to read a bit more, be a bit more savvy with my money, lose a little more weight and all matter of things. I've undertaken some of those bits already so at least I've got my head in the game. It's nice having my birthday in April because I can claim these are all New Year's Resolutions that I'm picking up again.

That only leaves with me to describe the music for this post. As I've already mentioned this song is by The Beatles. As far as I know this was almost a throw away track. The Liverpudlian lads wanted to go out and watch The Girl Can't Help It which featured Jayne Mansfield and had some ridiculous plot to go along with. They threw this together before hustling on out and watching it. It's some what enduring. I hope you enjoy!

Until next time!


La Chelsa said...

Bon anniversaire, mon poivre.


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