Get What You Need

I think I've finally solved the Ontario/Alberta thing. It mightn't worry anyone reading this but I had a serious dilemma arise over whether to move to Alberta - my original choice - or try my luck in the Big Easy of Canada. Toronto. If I was being quite honest with myself I would say I'd like to try my hand in Alberta. It is, and this is only an assessment based on pictures and having copious amounts of people say "Oh, Alberta is so very pretty, very pretty. Yes, I did that on purpose. My English isn't as poor as the stereotype is.

So I have decided on Ontario. As Chelsea has mentioned to me I can move there and easily transfer my business and doings other places in the country. I am not limited to just one province. Even though many people may say "Cameron, Cameron! You've been at The Midland for a year. How can you possibly expect to travel a country that is, at a conservative estimate, 31905 times larger than England? You've only just got down to London after a year!" I would just ignore them! Why? Because I'd come here to work, obviously. The travelling is the icing on the cake, the head on the beer, the shoe in the sandwich. I am pleased I've done what I've done. Sure, I would like to do a little bit more but in that time I've not gone to Europe I have travelled a sizable portion of America. So jog on, you naysayers. I'm sure I've updated people on what I want them to know in regards to America. If you don't know what I've done/where I've been: please e-mail me! I'd love to talk to you! Even if I don't I am sure I can fake it enough so it appears that way.

Vocation wise? Well I'm going to leave that until later on next year. I don't care what I've got to do so long as a job opportunity comes up. There's a couple (literally two!) of things I am good at so I guess I will pursue that. The two things? Eating and talking. That is it. I could eat food whilst giving a speech? Give a speech whilst eating the food and then eat some? Deadly cycle, that. I am sure I am enough of an adult to be able to sort out "adult" style problems. If not I am in for a bit of an ass/arse kicking and I will learn from those mistakes pretty quickly. If there's a chance I could lose money then I'm usually all over the problem like a rash.

In other news: I need to buy food.

Thank you for your time! Enjoy your everything.


TC said...

You is what you is and not what you're not..Folks that think that are a happy lot.

Wizard the Lizard from Tutor Turtle


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