For that I recall with fond gusto saying "Oh, it'll be just one week before I post again" and, true to my personal character flaws, it was definitely not one week. I can't be trusted to determine when I'll write something here but I also don't particularly enjoy defining myself in regards to something like this. Really what I've said in so many words is don't tread on me? Ah, I don't know what this thing is about anymore.
And there have been so many one weeks since the last time I was here. And some of them have terrifying lows. Others have been dizzying highs while the rest of them have been creamy middles. A quick bit of mathematics says it's been 145 one weeks which equates to 1,016 days. I didn't anticipate it being like this and I'm sorry. To whom? Firstly and fore mostly me. This started as a little passion project for me in 2008 and I had reasonable updates for the first 3 or 4 years. Then it kind of just petered out when I returned to Australia. I didn't get bored of telling people about my life and the goings on but I did feel somewhat hypocritical of criticising people on twitter for their at the time 140 character ramblings. Plus there were some personal issues that I needed to iron out that occasionally plonk themselves in to my life. I think I'm dealing.
Really the other apologies go out to the people that read this. Mum, Georg, random Russian folks who happen to find this. It's really rather odd looking at the stats of people who come here but I really do thank you anyway. This is, more than anything, an outlet for me now and I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't care much for this. Heh, I wouldn't!
The reason that I've started this up again is because I'm currently reading Pierre Trudeau's memoirs. He specifically apologises in the preface that the memoirs have a looseness to them on account of it essentially being an oral exercise. I'll pause for the laughter. But that really resonated with me as that's pretty accurate as to how I write. As I'm typing I will often verbalise the sentence to make it made sense to me. Accuracy in terms of punctuation and word count don't quite matter to me. If only I had gone to on to tertiary education, it might!
So as to what I've occupied myself with in the last 145 weeks? Well that's a dilly of a pickle really. I've kept myself busy, travelled a fair bit and pretty much kept the nose to the grindstone. Vague? Yes, but you must remember that I can't recall all of what has happened. Lots of happy students from the Greater Toronto Area, mostly impressed summer camp kids and plenty of fresh air. I don't quite know what to say was the highlight. I did head out to BC for 2 weeks which was lovely! 5 days in Vancouver topped off with the sweet sweet cherry of Victoria. It was the most heavenly place on Earth that I've been to so far. You should go there one day.
And you should know that I am the proud owner of a Honda CRV. It's a 2001 model so it definitely has some kilometres on it. Poor little thing. Can't go around expecting it to last forever. It has some 316,000km on it but it is a little beast. It has no name yet as I definitely do not subscribe to the ludicrousness of naming things like that. I did want to name it Edmund after E. Honda
Right now it is a rainy day here in Muskoka and I'm quite bundled up nice and warm inside. It's days like these that make my happy that we don't have schools here right now. You read that right! No schools, no students, no campers. We had a fairly good run of work from July up until this week in September. Family camp seemed like it could be a colossal failure but ended up being absolutely fantastic! We made some good friends out of the families that came up and even had some campers register, hopefully, for next year.
Even though there has been little work in comparison to a normal year, I find myself pretty happy with the routine I've got myself in to. Early morning shower, coffee from the French Press, slight depressive episode, and then try to read or, less often, write something. This here has been the most I've "written" for quite some time. I still have a diary that I've been meaning to write in but it was last written in pre-COVID days. Aaaaah, those halcyon days. Mere memories now. So as you might imagine, the next entry is gonna be a real doozy.
For now I think I'll just get fat(ter) from good food, good friends, and good beer! There've been a number of new - to me - breweries that I've visited recently. And a couple that are new to this world. I can't highly enough recommend Katalyst Brewing Company and Couchiching Brewing Company! The latter of which I still can not figure out how to pronounce but know that I get really close after a couple of their delicious Black River Stouts. This is not a sponsored post, I'm just an appreciator of the barley life. Also please sponsor me Katalyst and Couchiching!
Unless I can think of a way to circumvent the travels numbers back to Australia, I think that I'll be staying in the Northern Hemisphere for this Christmas. Which is fine with me. All my Australian mates tout the merits of a warm summer but I know for one that they are bloody miserable. Especially so when you see your friends in the North celebrating with cozy fires, snow angels, warm cups of potentially spiked drinks. Ah, it's bliss.
Nobody seems to realise that just because 2020 has been a little bit of a right off that things will not magically change when the clock strikes 00:00:01 for next year. There's still that wonderful American election to come up. It is nice to be living in Canada with Trudeau making a fairly hefty percentage of the right decisions in regards to Coronavirus. Meanwhile the other three places that I have lived for a bit - the United Kingdom, America, and Australia - all seem to be doing their best at imploding whilst placing the blame on the other political parties and their supporters. I also donated to the Liberal Party of Canada. Forget why but it felt right.
Now it seems to me that there's going to be a lot of commotion in the next couple of months and I truly hope that all my friends stay safe. I'm sure it's easier said than done with all the unpleasantness that goes in the world. I don't know how to ensure that they're all safe.
Yet life does go on and I do certainly hope to make this a slightly less irregular occurrence. I know that I say that all the time and I know that I say THAT all the time but y'know what? I don't really mind coming back to this as it's something that is quite entertaining to me to reread. Terrible that I'm actually laughing at my own jokes but that's what's going to happen!
I think this is the first Barenaked Ladies song I heard way back in 1998. Those were the reasonable old day. Hope you enjoy and if you don't then I also really don't care that much!