It has happened again. What a terrible blog person I am! If this blog were a child... well I'd probably have been arrested due to my neglect of the childblog.
FORTUNATELY I have seen the ways of my error and am here to beg you all to forgive me. Alright. Mum, will you forgive me for not updating this blog? PLEASE. Hey, I gotta be realistic, y'know.
Last time I updated this shindiggery I was celebrating my uterian escape (birthday) and everything was well. Or well enough for me to lie about. Since then I've continued working and saving. That's about it. Not really all that exciting. I guess I have eaten some pretty good pizzas since then. Man, oh man. I could write literature to spell bind the future about pizzas. Why're they so good?
So having fumbled through my apologies and statement of Certified Blogging, I will bring you up to date with my travel plans. At this point in time it seems that I will, once again, be leaving Australia on December 7th. This time for an undetermined amount of time. Not to imply that last time I knew that I was going to be away for four years but I really had no idea that my sojourn would indeed extend that long. Having a rough idea of the plans I was keen on undertaking did me well. I think this time I'm rather a bit more excited to stay in Canada. I'm not overly sure where I'm going to call home. I'd like to enter Canada through Ontario but after that I can't say with any strong authority where I might head to. Alberta? Who knows.
I think this time I'm planning just a little bit better too. Not that I was blindsided on my last trip but having travelled just a little bit more, I think I've got a clearer idea of what travelling entails. Ideally I'd like leave my rather large backpack here and see if I can acquire a smaller one. 40 litres seems a little more appropriate for me.
I feel like I've become a little more mature. Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know if there's a specific scale to determine it but I do get the sense that I have hit a point in my life where I need to shape up or, potentially more to my liking, ship out. I do know what I want OR have a vague semblance of it. I initially detested my time in Australia but, having given it a little bit more thought, in reality this has been quite beneficial for me. Kind of a recharge. So... thanks, Australia. Thaustralia.
Might go away now and cook some leeks up. I love leeks. Kind of makes me want to be Welsh. I can only wish, eh?
The song today is fairly indicative of how I feel at the moment - All Grown Up. I don't exactly hate all the people that I used to adore. Well... maybe a little. But not too much. It's another Elvis Costello song but you're all really going to have to get used to that! Check out Mighty Like a Rose. You really, really, really, really won't regret it!
Well, cheerio. See you in another two months! (not really)
Comments: (1)
I really, really, really couldn't have featured a more predictable title for this inclusion. I feel a little bit embarrassed. All the other birthday related songs on Youtube were either somewhat saddening, unbearably morose, Delia Derbyshire (much love and respect) or probably not appropriate. No matter how much I love Conway Twitty, I just can't handle him calling me darling one more time.
Now that I'm 26 I wonder if I will magically get a life compass. Will I figure out what I want to do with myself? Even if I don't I really should be appreciative of what I accomplished while I was away. Four years is really nothing to snort at. I never really anticipated staying away from as long as I did. Two birthdays in England, two in the United States. And now twenty two in Australia.
I had a pleasant day yesterday. I woke up fairly early and did the 21st century routine - Facebook, twitter, tumblr, gmail. And I felt bad for it because I was simply skimming to see if anyone had said "Happy Birthday!". Given that a good 60% of my friends are in England/Canada/the U.S, it was somewhat of a forlorn attempt at boosting my ego. It wouldn't be my birthday for another half a day. Bother.
After I had decided it was time enough to get up, I was greeted with a cup of tea and a rather boisterous "Happy Birthday!" from mum and dad. Mum had purchased my present a couple of days before with my consent so I knew what I was getting. Still it was exciting enough to elicit a giggle of excitment from me. I'm now the proud owner of a Leatherman! Unfortunately it has a name yet. Everyone needs to name their multi-tools! All in good time I suppose.
Then tragedy struck. I began to feel rather lethargic and upset. My throat was starting to tickle, my eyes became incredibly itchy and my nose became home to what felt like the world's only supply of cotton buds. I had been hit with hay fever before but this was ridiculous. Of all the days that my body could decide to harass me! The nerve of it!
To battle this affliction I decided to go to bed and sleep it away. At this time I discovered headaches really hurt and that made me go to sleep a lot quicker. What I wouldn't have done for either a bottle of Laphroiag or just a whole load of Vallium. Yummo. I did eventually nod off and it was most pleasant. When I awoke the headache was still there but, unbeknownst to me, in somewhat of a dormant state.
I had mentioned to mum about going out for some food but wasn't quite sure on what I felt like. Although I guess it was always going to be Indian. There really is no other food I enjoy more than Indian. During my absence the number of Indian restaurants in Rockingham seemingly doubled. There's also one just down the road from where I live claiming to a "Neaplese" restaurant. Even the website goes with that spelling. How kitschy. In any case I decided upon Spices on Ocean. With a name like that it kind of reminded me of all the quaint English villages I used to visit. The meals were superb and, appropriately, I was in bed by 10pm. Can't say fairer than that for a 26 year old.
Right now I've got another year to look forward to. I'm unsure as to what I'm going to fill it with but, given the chance, I hope to make use of it somewhat better than I did my last one. I'd like to read a bit more, be a bit more savvy with my money, lose a little more weight and all matter of things. I've undertaken some of those bits already so at least I've got my head in the game. It's nice having my birthday in April because I can claim these are all New Year's Resolutions that I'm picking up again.
That only leaves with me to describe the music for this post. As I've already mentioned this song is by The Beatles. As far as I know this was almost a throw away track. The Liverpudlian lads wanted to go out and watch The Girl Can't Help It which featured Jayne Mansfield and had some ridiculous plot to go along with. They threw this together before hustling on out and watching it. It's some what enduring. I hope you enjoy!
Until next time!
Now that I'm 26 I wonder if I will magically get a life compass. Will I figure out what I want to do with myself? Even if I don't I really should be appreciative of what I accomplished while I was away. Four years is really nothing to snort at. I never really anticipated staying away from as long as I did. Two birthdays in England, two in the United States. And now twenty two in Australia.
I had a pleasant day yesterday. I woke up fairly early and did the 21st century routine - Facebook, twitter, tumblr, gmail. And I felt bad for it because I was simply skimming to see if anyone had said "Happy Birthday!". Given that a good 60% of my friends are in England/Canada/the U.S, it was somewhat of a forlorn attempt at boosting my ego. It wouldn't be my birthday for another half a day. Bother.
After I had decided it was time enough to get up, I was greeted with a cup of tea and a rather boisterous "Happy Birthday!" from mum and dad. Mum had purchased my present a couple of days before with my consent so I knew what I was getting. Still it was exciting enough to elicit a giggle of excitment from me. I'm now the proud owner of a Leatherman! Unfortunately it has a name yet. Everyone needs to name their multi-tools! All in good time I suppose.
Then tragedy struck. I began to feel rather lethargic and upset. My throat was starting to tickle, my eyes became incredibly itchy and my nose became home to what felt like the world's only supply of cotton buds. I had been hit with hay fever before but this was ridiculous. Of all the days that my body could decide to harass me! The nerve of it!
To battle this affliction I decided to go to bed and sleep it away. At this time I discovered headaches really hurt and that made me go to sleep a lot quicker. What I wouldn't have done for either a bottle of Laphroiag or just a whole load of Vallium. Yummo. I did eventually nod off and it was most pleasant. When I awoke the headache was still there but, unbeknownst to me, in somewhat of a dormant state.
I had mentioned to mum about going out for some food but wasn't quite sure on what I felt like. Although I guess it was always going to be Indian. There really is no other food I enjoy more than Indian. During my absence the number of Indian restaurants in Rockingham seemingly doubled. There's also one just down the road from where I live claiming to a "Neaplese" restaurant. Even the website goes with that spelling. How kitschy. In any case I decided upon Spices on Ocean. With a name like that it kind of reminded me of all the quaint English villages I used to visit. The meals were superb and, appropriately, I was in bed by 10pm. Can't say fairer than that for a 26 year old.
Right now I've got another year to look forward to. I'm unsure as to what I'm going to fill it with but, given the chance, I hope to make use of it somewhat better than I did my last one. I'd like to read a bit more, be a bit more savvy with my money, lose a little more weight and all matter of things. I've undertaken some of those bits already so at least I've got my head in the game. It's nice having my birthday in April because I can claim these are all New Year's Resolutions that I'm picking up again.
That only leaves with me to describe the music for this post. As I've already mentioned this song is by The Beatles. As far as I know this was almost a throw away track. The Liverpudlian lads wanted to go out and watch The Girl Can't Help It which featured Jayne Mansfield and had some ridiculous plot to go along with. They threw this together before hustling on out and watching it. It's some what enduring. I hope you enjoy!
Until next time!
Writing To Reach You
Comments: (3)
Ok. First up - I apologise. Clearly there has been much grief coming from the fact that I've not updated this blog for just over 2 months. I am truly sorry. Sorry for depriving my diligent readers from such amazing storytelling. Also my amazing modesty. Chortle reader, chortle.
So what have I accomplished in the proceeding two months? Let me cast my aging mind back. Seems I've not really accomplished too many physical objectives. I have begun to organise affairs for my departure at the end of the year. The itchy feet and travel bug have proved too strong for me and I've decided to jet back off to... somewhere in the world. Canada, at the moment, is proving to be the most popular decision in my mind. I want to attempt a pan-Canada travel route that will probably not come to fruition but it is there. I need to find a map of Canada and attempt a somewhat crude route. Perhaps.
Due to my unusual habit of picking up business cards on my travel, I have quite a collection just waiting to have their story told. I decided to send back quite a few of the cards in 2008 and trying to remember the stories has been quite fun. I never expected to want to do this but I'm going create a little scrapbook of my travels. I'm entirely sure I know how to divide up the mementos but it'll probably glide along the lines of America/U.K. I did pick up some incredibly silly things along the way but I guess that's part of the joy of travelling. If I'm successful or at least fail less than I anticipate, I might make this somewhat regular occurrence. Maybe. It is nice to look back on your memories. Nostalgia is a little dramatic but the Greek root words do feel right.
As it happens I'm actively on the lookout for another backpack. Something smaller. Something with less space. Something with more space. But I'm unsure what I really, really want. The weirdo in me is terrified of not packing enough. But I'm also quite aware of how damned heavy my other backpack became. My current backpack is the Gregory Palisade. By no means am I unhappy with this backpack but I did notice my propensity to load up on clothing due the 'off chance' that I might need that particular item of clothing. Pish posh. I want to load up light. Take minimal accoutrement and pack necessary items. I'm even questioning bringing the old laptop along. OR at least leaving it here to begin with and having posted over. I don't know what I'm doing to do yet. Any suggestions for backpack would be EXTREMELY well received.
I'm trying to be a little bit more responsible with my financial situation. Great how a goal will give you the urge to save. Everything is going pretty well so far. I'm trying to cut back on the frivolous purchases by getting myself something low in value every week. Oooh, it's entertaining! My goal is, at least, $10,000 AUD. Given the current American and Canadian exchange rate... well let's just say I'll be treated as one of the more wealthy people on the North American continent. Chuckle. However I do honestly hope to be capable of saving a decent amount so I won't have to say 'Oh, can't come. I'm poor'. I'll be able to say 'I'll have seven, please!'. Exciting. Seven of what though...?
Before I close this exciting blog entry people must know that my parents celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary yesterday. It was very pleasant day. We went up to the Casino initially for some food but ended up going and putting a couple of bets on. I'm not really a betting sort - at all - but mum made a bit of coin back. I was just very blessed to be with these two people and very fortunate that they were my parents. We ended the day by having a celebratory drink. Mum had a Singapore Sling, dad had a Martini and I was decidedly naughty and had a gin and tonic. Oh my goodness. It was delicious. Here's 40 years, mum and dad!
I'll leave you now with Writing to Reach You by Travis. I feel like Travis got lost a little bit in the Britpop era. There was a little bit of rivalry with Oasis but nothing too serious. There's an Oasis reference in this song ('and what's a Wonderwall, anyway?') but that's about it. I hope everyone enjoys it! You can find this song on The Man Who. The only thing I don't like about this album is whenever I'm in a Bowie mood and I search for 'The Man Who Sold The World' this album comes up. Not too much of a tragedy.
Lots of love to everyone!
So what have I accomplished in the proceeding two months? Let me cast my aging mind back. Seems I've not really accomplished too many physical objectives. I have begun to organise affairs for my departure at the end of the year. The itchy feet and travel bug have proved too strong for me and I've decided to jet back off to... somewhere in the world. Canada, at the moment, is proving to be the most popular decision in my mind. I want to attempt a pan-Canada travel route that will probably not come to fruition but it is there. I need to find a map of Canada and attempt a somewhat crude route. Perhaps.
Painstakingly arranged for the highest aesthetic purchase. |
As it happens I'm actively on the lookout for another backpack. Something smaller. Something with less space. Something with more space. But I'm unsure what I really, really want. The weirdo in me is terrified of not packing enough. But I'm also quite aware of how damned heavy my other backpack became. My current backpack is the Gregory Palisade. By no means am I unhappy with this backpack but I did notice my propensity to load up on clothing due the 'off chance' that I might need that particular item of clothing. Pish posh. I want to load up light. Take minimal accoutrement and pack necessary items. I'm even questioning bringing the old laptop along. OR at least leaving it here to begin with and having posted over. I don't know what I'm doing to do yet. Any suggestions for backpack would be EXTREMELY well received.
I'm trying to be a little bit more responsible with my financial situation. Great how a goal will give you the urge to save. Everything is going pretty well so far. I'm trying to cut back on the frivolous purchases by getting myself something low in value every week. Oooh, it's entertaining! My goal is, at least, $10,000 AUD. Given the current American and Canadian exchange rate... well let's just say I'll be treated as one of the more wealthy people on the North American continent. Chuckle. However I do honestly hope to be capable of saving a decent amount so I won't have to say 'Oh, can't come. I'm poor'. I'll be able to say 'I'll have seven, please!'. Exciting. Seven of what though...?
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Ah, they were young once. They still act it sometimes |
I'll leave you now with Writing to Reach You by Travis. I feel like Travis got lost a little bit in the Britpop era. There was a little bit of rivalry with Oasis but nothing too serious. There's an Oasis reference in this song ('and what's a Wonderwall, anyway?') but that's about it. I hope everyone enjoys it! You can find this song on The Man Who. The only thing I don't like about this album is whenever I'm in a Bowie mood and I search for 'The Man Who Sold The World' this album comes up. Not too much of a tragedy.
Lots of love to everyone!
The Loved Ones
Comments: (0)
It's a very rare occurrence where I'm unable to think of anything to say. However it seems that has been the case in the last month and a bit. Surprising seeing as it was the 'festive' period and most people wouldn't be able to be contained. Fortunately I managed. Oh my, did I manage.
Having said that I did have a rather pleasant time at Christmas. It was my first (and hopefully only...) Christmas since leaving in 2007 and everything ran to how I remember it. That was fairly pleasing. Also I wasn't over burdened with gifts as I'd made it known that I was still planning to vanish in to the sunset this year. I have to say the highlight was the rain cover for my backpack. The bottom of the backpack is waterproof but nowhere else it. I had been caught short a couple of times and really should have got myself one but... eh, I did not. I dealt with it.
Not terribly much else has happened since my last blog post. I do lead a fairly simple life. I guess what I should really be doing is planning for the next stage of my life. I keep considering what elements need to come together so I can get my life in gear. But... nothing yet. In my mind I tackle it this way - it's as if there are a several clouds floating quite closely to each other. These clouds contain different elements of what I want to have in my life - marriage, job, friends, location, travel - and are fairly cool characters on their own. Where the problem arises is that they don't play well together. Two might mesh together particularly well but the other clouds are just real bastards and refuse to play at all. It's truly bothersome.
Realistically I think Canada is next on the cards. Not immediately though. I must first get a job, sucker some money out of the company I'm working for and then toddle along smartly to The True North. It's quite amusing how that place can be so enticing to me yet I can not think of what I want to be there. Perhaps that is something that I should contemplate figuring out. It has something to do with the Habs, poutine, snow and their ridiculously colourful money. Speaking of which they'll be changing to polymer money very soon. Woo.
Something that sticks with me from Canada was when I lived in Montreal. I had only just found work for myself and was enjoying it there. I was figuring out the Metro system by taking it as often as I could. One fine day I happened to slow down to talk to a chap who looked shadier than a barrel full of fish. The exchange went something like this...
Him: "Oh, hi. Bonjour.. do you speak English?"
Me: "Uh... yeah? Yeah, that's about the only language I speak"
Him: "Ohh, thank GOODNESS. I need your help..." - I should have figured him out by now - " wife and I got here on Monday night and we were just about to book in to our hotel when our bags got stolen. They had everything in there. Even our wallets. I tried going to the police here but they were so rude. I'm from Ottawa and our police wouldn't treat us like this..".
Me: "Uh huh"
Him: "So I'm wondering... could you spare a couple of dollars? So I can make a phone call or two?"
Me: "I don't think phone calls are that expensive to Ottawa"
Him: "Oh, I'm hungry too, man! I haven't eaten in, like, 3 days". It was closer to a day and a half.
This is where I decided to flip the game around.
Me: "Aw, man. I'd love to help you but I'll tell you what. Just look at the way I'm dressed, listen to the accent... I'm Australian and I've only just flown in here. I can't speak French and I ain't got a job so I'm completely dry out of money. I'd help but I'm struggling at the moment myself...". This went on for a while and I turned the sob story up pretty well.
Him: "Oh brother. Here... here have some of my money. You shouldn't have to suffer like that. I'm sorry that you can't get a job and I'm sorry things suck for you so much. But if I see you around again just remember me, okay?"
And with that he gave me about 10$. On in the inside I felt bad for doing that but only for about 10 minutes. I overheard some people in the Sherbrooke Metro station talking about how this guy had tried to con some money out of them. Months later I conned another couple of dollars out of him. I felt no guilt that time.
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Yes! That was a bottle in my pocket. I'm never happy to see anyone! |
I say! Who is that debonaire chap with the most keen fashion sense? Why, intrepid reader(s), that is me! I must retract what I said earlier about being boring and add that I attended a wedding about a fortnight ago. This is what the blog title alludes to.
My was the most enchanting day I have had in a while. The sky stayed clear of cloud and the sun shone extra hard as two good friends became wed. The ceremony was short and sweet, rather audible and attended by friends and family. Not a fault at all.
The reception was equally amazing. Beer was flowing freely, the tunes were handpicked by the bridal party (mostly The Beatles so I was very involved in the singing and dancing) and everyone was socialising. The speeches were sweet, humourous and well written and the night was young. What made the night for me was two things. The unexpected barbecue fire that was swiftly dealt with AND also the cheese that no one touched. Golly, did I eat all that cheese. Je ne regrette rien. Not a thing.
I feel like I've written a "What I Did Over the Summer Holidays" style pastiche. I promise to improve my writing style one day. Not now... but one day
Without further ado I'd like to introduce Mr Elvis Costello with The Loved Ones. This song can be found on Imperial Bedroom. P.P.S.I.L.O.V.E.Y.O.U indeed!
Take care, be good, read lots of books.
Until next time.