Well seems it has been quite a while since I've posted anything on there. I've made a couple of attempts to write something on here but it has usually come out quite rubbish or drenched in ridiculous sarcasm. Most of those attempts have ended up deleted and I thought I'd try a more serious approach. So far, so good!
It's been 59 days since I last posted anything on here and within those 59 days I've accomplished quite a bit. Rather I should clarify and say that I got myself a job. Sure, it's only a part time job but it is allowing me to pay off my credit card debt which, in reality, I shouldn't have accrued in the first place. I was somewhat shocked when I was told how much I owed but then again I was using it pretty heavily in the UK so really I'm reaping what I have sowed. Fortunately it's not an enormous, insurmountable debt and I'm paying it off quicker than is the required amount. Yay, responsibility!
Now that I know I'm not getting my Green Card I think I'll at least look in to buying a car. Not because I'm lazy but I would like to be able to go down south to Denmark for a little while. And 'cause adults like I'm meant to be should have one so I'd best conform and get a car. I'm not even looking for an expensive car. I've got a fairly good idea of where I'll be looking at definitely the price range. I just saw a convertible that would be awesome to buy but there's motor trouble. I guess there's going to be aesthetic problems with any car under about $5000. Oh well! You know the old adage about beggars and their inability to be fussy over articles.
What else... uh, Christmas gift are now being thought of and processed. I really can't handle people who begin to get in the spirit of Christmas too early. It's slightly unnerving. I guess the good thing about Christmas is Boxing Day. It's the furthest away from next Christmas you can be. Plus there's plenty of food to eat the day after and I can honestly deal with that.
On the topic of food I've decided to really cut down on my intake and stop 'grazing'. On top of that I've started exercising/riding my bike quite a bit more and I've actually lost 2 kilos (4lbs, American friends!). That's quite exciting. I shouldn't have really let myself become Count Flabula anyway!
Right! I must finish doing what ever it is I am doing now. Interestingly enough I was drawing! And I don't ever draw!
Oh, I almost forgot! From now on I'm going to be posting Youtube videos of the songs the blog posts are named after. I'm not sure if people realise but the titles are songs! Get with it, people.
Long, Long, Long is a song by The Beatles and can be found on their eponymous (look it up) album The Beatles.