I Still Miss Someone

Bonjour, eh? I'm back in Ontario. That's in Canada if you were wondering! So far it has been a blast. Well as far as Ontario's reputation goes for blast events that is. I stayed in Toronto for a couple of days, became reacquainted with the loathesome taste of dill pickle chips and sampled the night life of the capital. It was both boring AND interesting. Montreal and Vancouver traditionally have the party city labels (sorry Halifax, you didn't make the cut) while Toronto has the stern, business mentality of a 40 something executive. Still, when the sun goes down, the weirdness slowly creeps out of the flimsy cardboard box which restrains it. In the space of thirty minutes, I observed one gentleman attempting to derail a train, and another man trying to coax a dog to ride a bike. Both were met with extreme failure. Oh my. Still while I was out with my good friend Rick Danger (merely a nom de l'été!) we seemed to have quite a bit of fun and he helped me catch up on the doings of summer.

However, my intrepid and valued reader, the title of this post is I Still Miss Someone, not Some Place or Somewhere. Yes, that tyrannical feeling of loneliness has set in again. I could use all the appropriate words in all the languages in the World but it still wouldn't cover 1% of how I feel about her. I realise it seems completely selfish that I'm whining about how I miss my girlfriend when there's so much trouble in the world but I'd by lying if I said I could keep my feelings contained. This truly feels like the lowest I can go. Real low, man.

That being said I am back up in the Muskoka region working for my ticket out of Canada. It's all part of the master plan, you see. If I play my cards right I should be back in the UK for some part of December or early January. Then I'll be straight back in to working so I can travel Europe. I'm not sure if all or any of my friends are aware of this but I never actually set foot on the continent of Europe. The closest I managed was Brighton which is about 118km (73 miles). Couldn't even wave hello to France. So that will be a secondary little mission to achieve when I go 'home'. Strange as I never thought I'd call England home. It's a home as much as a place to keep my things. So I guess it's a house. Peter Allen was mostly correct. No matter how far or how wide I roam... I really still do call Australia home.
Oh, Johnny.

Now that syrupy portion of patriotism is out of the way, I feel I should give you all a reward for sticking through this long. According to blog stats there’s a couple of hits from Russia and Latvia. That amuses me greatly as I was trying to think why they might view my blog at all? Then it struck that I didn’t really care. A hit, for me, is a hit. I didn’t really think I’d become obsessed with people visit but I guess I am. Tell your friends, tell your family! Tell your deaf pets! So to this reward… you can figure to be a reward or punishment; whatever your fancy in music is! Just click on the picture to the left! You have only three guesses as to what this present might be! I'm quivering in anticipation!

But once again, brave readers, I must depart for greener grasses! It is raining and I fancy taking some pictures. I would have taken some earlier where it for lack of nice light. Oooh, look at me. Talking like a photographer. Very close by I can smell freshly cut wood and it's making me want to eat raisin bran. Off I go to take pictures and eat raisin bran! Until next time!


Slide Away

Hello once again, faithful blog readers!

So it has been quite a number of days since the last time I updated! Time does indeed fly when you're having fun! FUN! I know the subject quite well! But the fun is soon to be ending as my time in the United States is once again coming to an end. Yes, three months has simply slid away like a rat up a drainpipe - that's quite quick for those of you who've never seen that happen. So I guess a SUMMERY is called for. I'm quite aware it's summary but I thought, seeing as I was here in summer, that it would be quite a clever little play on words there. If you don't appreciate it I will send you candy*.

Not too long after I arrived in the US the environment at the house I was staying at became a little unstable and, as such, I thought it better for me to not stay there anymore. I bounced around houses until Chelsea was able to find a lovely little apartment just near Music Row. That's the area famous for housing a load of music related businesses. It's quite fascinating really. So Chelsea and I chilled out there most of the summer. This summer was really quite hot and humid so we didn't really venture out that much. Heat, I can handle but when you factor in 90 degree heat with 90% humidity things become quite uncomfortable.

I spent a lot of this summer consuming alcohol. The beer down here really is delicious. Toward the end though I had to consciously put a hold on the thirst quencher. It seemed every time I went out I would come home less than sober. Not drunk, but not sober. I know that's one thing that I would have to deal with if I were to head back to England. However in a positive light I always thank my lucky stars that I'm not drinking whiskey or a spirit of any sort... though I could drink gin like it was water and I would drink water like it was chocolate milk.

During the later portion of the summer I had the grace to attend a Christian men's retreat aptly named, unfortunately acronymised Institute for Biblical Manliness. A group of 30 young men were split in to five units of 6 each with two older men acting as mentors. We were audience to a variety of speakers over the 4 day retreat. Each of the speakers addressed something pertaining to being a Godly man - integrity, courage, sexual strife, finances and a plethora of others I can't remember. It was amazing! I met a lot of good young men that weekend. Come to think of it I was one of the older 'young men' there. In fact I'm only a year younger than the the 'youngest' older man. But still it was fantastic to see what is achievable when you have God in your life.

Now I'm in Pennsylvania visiting my lovely, lovely friend Georg who is hard at work! Ladies, he's single too! I was meant to be here a couple of days earlier but as things panned out I was able to say goodbye to a group of friends back in Nashville. Amazing stuff.

However on the Canadian front I am not so sure what I will be doing. I don't intend to stay there long. As per my previous blog post I will very likely return to the UK. This may be hurried a long due to the money spending nature of Christmas. Bartending happens to be quite profitable during December. I do, however, want to make the most of my Canadian visa so I am not entirely sure where I'll be heading. Maybe New Brunswick? I can't tell anyone yet but when I do know I'll blog the heck out of it!

I'm wondering if I should do a deal of sorts that if people subscribe to my blog I will draw a picture for them! I would sign it and send it to them. That's a collectors piece right there! I'm just HUNGRY for people to delve in to my private life!

For now, young readers, I shall bid you farewell. I know it's been a rough journey and there were many emotions explored but I must travel now to a distant country where naked women are rife, the alcohol flows freely, insulin is legal and snow on the ground is looked at with a smug smile. Until next time!

*My imaginary lawyers have advised me to inform everyone that they will NOT receive any candy and will in fact be liable for any postage and handling involved in any processes ever. If legal proceedings are lodged against me then you will summarily be eaten by an entity of my choosing. Probably a Barghest

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