Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)

Hi chaps! Long time no speak so I think it's time for people to indulge in what's going on in my life! Yes, I'm that self indulgent of myself. Anyhow the job is still going quite smoothly. Having money to actually pay for food, rent, bills is great! I can't think what I would have done had this not come along. It's brilliant for the reasons I've already told you folks! But on to the better news...

I'm going to Boston! The idea is there. I want to either hit it on the way down to Tennessee or, if I have the brains, on the way back up. I'm pretty excited about that. Boston is some place that holds a mystical, enchanting hold on me for a reason I can't figure out. It's like Boston is the guy in the trench coat offering up candy and I'm the 7 year old boy who doesn't know any better! It's going to be great. I just need my passport back! That's a long story and I'm sure I'll expand on it another time.

So in just over a month I'll be attending the wedding of my lovely girlfriend's brother. I'm so happy that I get to be there and I'm even happier about the weather. Even though I've no idea what it's going to be like I'm hoping it will be a lovely, sunny day for both of them to remember it by. I cannae wait but I know I will have to.

I also now have a camera (and have had for several weeks! I need to update more often). So when I figure out the complexities of Flickr I'll post a link on here so you can all gawk at my pictures. That'll bring the crowds in! Yes it will!

Hopefully you all are still alive and can read this. I should sleep now. It's almost 6:00am and I need to sleep at least 10 hours before I can be truly happy. Cheers to you all/whoever reads this. You'll be well rewarded one day.

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