For the one person interested...
...I'm leaving Canada for a bit to go visit my loving girl, Chelsea, down in the United States. I'll be there for a bit so that will be sufficient time for me to sort out where I want to go next. I'm tossed up between heading west for snow, liberty and Montana or trundling across East to Montreal to spice up my life with the French and New England? I don't know but I certainly don't want to limit myself to just one area of Canada. In my pea brain I want to make my way to Vancouver, buy a car and drive up to Alaska. I don't even care how long it takes. That would be something that I could certainly blog about.
In other news I'm somewhat in the need of a camera. I'm looking online because I know I've had some great things to take pictures of during the summer but simply haven't. I had one when I came but I lost the bleedin' thing. Not so bad. I hated it. I'm ready to forfeit the £60 it cost me. Rather buy something I enjoy using than a lump of metal I don't.
So I'll be keeping you updated from America. I imagine I will buckle and purchase a camera OR I'll get the one I currently have repaired somehow. I loved that like a baby. It was mine and mine alone. Plus it was fun to take out and annoy people with.
Cheers person-who-reads-this-most-often.