- I made some very awesome friends (KYLE RECKMAN).
- I enjoyed the Canadian summer
- I accepted God in to my life
- I became the baker of a summer camp
- I discovered that not all North American lager is awful
- I considered several travel options, two of which I will probably undertake
- I rode a horse. It was fun
- I didn't photograph a single thing. I'm too caught up in the loss of my old camera.
- I saw a squirrel, a chipmunk, a deer, a garter snake and three million black flies and mosquitos
- I had a vision which was fairly scary and a dream that I'll always have. Could have been anything
I decided to come back to summer camp. If not for the shirt then definitely for the people. Muskoka 10. Should be a good shirt. I'm just hoping that the people who I enjoyed company with come back next year. I don't know if I want to be back in the kitchen though. I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it. I can't work with the kids though due to the parameters of my visa. Lucky me.
Where am I off to next? I'm thinking that Montreal, Calgary or Vancouver are the places I'd like to go. Again it's something I will have to engage in serious thought about. Y'know the sorts where you stay awake at night fearing for your life and might come after the present? Yeah, that sort.
I still miss Australia. Yes, I do. I'll probably come back one day, dear, but until then I'll ply my trade in other countries. So far I can bake bread and pull a pint. Next I might try teaching people how ski. Crash and die option freely available too!
Not too sure on if this post was funnier but it was certainly longer. I intend to keep you updated on what I am or am not doing. As it happens I imagine there will quite a lot of the latter. So just stay tuned, vigilant readers, for more terrifying tales of my terrific travelling!
By the title lends to me attempting update this blog thirty three times. At least it feels like it. Goodness gracious