Here Today

Yep, I'm in Tennessee. This is my rest time where I get to kick back, punch people and generally tell people what I think about political and religious matters. It is great because I get to see my lovely Chelsea. She is great but she doesn't know that. I'll make her so sure about it that she won't never need to doubt it.

I'm not going to be idle, no, no! I'm going to be using this time as an opportunity to look for jobs and places to stay. You know - the important things; the things that I should have been thinking about a couple of month ago. Never fear because I've got my thumbs in a couple of pies that could turn out to be both delicious and profitable. You know what I mean!?

So for the next couple of weeks I'll be both brooding and happy. I'm nervous. I shouldn't be but I am. People are seemingly more confident in me and my actions than I am. I don't know why. It was quite easy to assimilate myself in to English society. It wasn't that much different to Australia. Different countries, yes but Australia is still quite an Anglo-Saxon society even if we don't think we are...

...on the other hand and side of the world Canada is different. Yeah, yeah. Same Queen, same roots but due to the unmistakable segregation that Australia has from the rest of the world we've stuck to those roots whereas the Canadians have grown and fondled their American cousin's society. Oh yes, oh yes. I'm saying things I know little about. For all I know Canada could be considerably different to how I think it is. Heck, I know that England certainly was. I'd over romanticised that something savage and I guess that I was quite taken aback when I realised that it wasn't all tea and crumpets and conversation about the Euro. Well...2 outta 3 ain't bad.

So what am I trying to say? Don't travel, it'll do you in eventually? Well, yeah but I'd thought that since I lived in Australia. I know that one day I will have to settle down (and God knows that I want to settle down with Ms. Bennett [the Chelsea one]) and do the things that people who settle down do (dey do dough, don't dey dough?). Bugger it. Why am I even thinking about this? I'm a dumb, that's why. Chelsea says it and she's right.

Anyhow must shower now...stuff to do, people to impress and all that! Pip-pip! Stay short, don't eat out of bins and certainly don't "watch children". It's against the law, you see.

Peace and love, peace and love, peace and love.

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